
Friday, September 18, 2015

Modiola caroliniana, Bristly-fruited Mallow, Modiola

Modiola caroliniana (Linn.) G. Don
Family: Malvaceae

synonyms: Abutilodes carolinianum (L.) Kuntze, Anoda strictiflora Steud., Malva caroliniana L., Malva decumbens Willd., Malva eriocarpa DC., Malva prostrata Cav., Malva urticifolia Kunth, Modanthos caroliniana (L.) Alef., Modanthos decumbens Alef., Modanthos eriocarpa Alef., Modanthos prostrata (Cav.) Alef., Modanthos reptans (A. St.-Hil.) Alef., Modanthos urticifolia (Kunth) Alef., Modiola eriocarpa (DC.) G. Don, Modiola multifida Moench , Modiola prostrata (Cav.) A. St.-Hil., Modiola reptans A.St.-Hil., Modiola urticifolia (Kunth) G. Don, Modiolastrum jaeggianum K. Schum.

English: Bristly-fruited Mallow, Carolina bristle-mallow
Spanish: Modiola
French: Modiole, Mauve de Caroline

Plant infusion for tonsillitis or sore throat [Plant infusion for tonsillitis or sore throat]

Gargle  for  sore  throat, tonsillitis, and diphtheria.  used as an emollient and sedative, to treat edema, and for throat problems in Chile. It was used in a cold water extract as a healing bath. found records of the plants being used among blacks to treat menstrual problems. [Florida Ethnobotany]

Leaf + stem: emollient, refrigerant, analgesic, montain sickness. [Medicinal Flora of Argentine]

2 Published articles of Modiola caroliniana
1. Modiola caroliniana (Linn.) G. Don - an addition to the flora of Himachal Pradesh.
Rakesh Shah; Naithani, H. B. Indian Forester  Volume: 138   Issue: 3   Pages: 304   Published: 2012

Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany  Volume: 5   Issue: 4   Pages: 907-908   Published: 1984

1 comment:

  1. Is there a special way to harvest them? Do you pull up the whole pant with roots or another way?
