Family: Pinaceae
Synonyms: Abies chiloensis Carrière , Abies himalayensis Lavallée , Abies pindrow var. intermedia A.Henry, Abies webbiana var. pindrow (Royle ex D.Don) Brandis , Picea herbertiana Madden , Picea pindrow (Royle ex D.Don) Loudon , Pinus naphta Antoine , Pinus pindrow Royle ex D.Don , Pinus spectabilis var. pindrow (Royle ex D.Don) Voss , Taxus lambertiana Wall.
Czech : Jedle himalájská.
Danish : Pragtgran.
English : Himalayan fir, Pindrow fir, West Himalayan fir.
Estonian : Himaalaja nulg, Pindrow nulg.
Finnish : Himalajanpihta.
French : sapin Pindrow, Sapin de l'Himalaya, Sapin de l’ouest Himalaya.
German : Himalaya-Tanne, Pindrow-Tanne.
Hindi : Badar, Dodimma, Granthiparna, Jhilla, Tosh, Span, Rai, Rei, Morinda tosh.
Hungarian : Himalájai jegenyefenyő.
Italian: Abete di Pindrow
Kashmiri: badar, drewar, krok, Tung
Nepalese : thingure
Punjabi: paludar, paludar, rai, rewar
Russian : Пихта Вебба, Пихта гималайская, Пихта замечательная.
Sanskrit : Granthiparna, Talisa.
Serbian : Himalajska jela.
Spanish : Abeto de Pindrow.
Description: Trees up to 30 m tall or more, with a narrow pyramidal shape. Bark fissured, light grey to brown. Leaves spiral, 2‑4 cm long, upper surface grooved, dark green, shiny. Male cones I‑2 cm long, axillary, ellipsoid, reddish‑green; microsporophyll with ‑2 linear sporangia; microspores winged. Female cones 8‑12 cm long, solitary or in pairs, narrowly oblong, violet‑purple; m2gasporophyll obovate, 2 cm long. Seeds 1‑1.2 cm long; wing twice as long as the seed.
Uses: Expectorant, bronchial sedative, decongestant, anticatarrhal, antiseptic, carminative. Terpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides and steroids of the leaf were found to have mast cell stabilizing action in rats. Terpenoids and flavonoids offered bronchoprotection against histamine challenge in guinea pigs. The ulcer protective action of petroleum ether, benzene and chloroform fraction has been attributed to steroidal contents. Terephthalic acid demethyl ester (TADE), isolated from the leaf, exhibited protection against inflammation and bronchospasmin guinea pigs. Ethanolic extract of leaves showed significant anxiolytic effects on all the paradigms of anxiety, barbiturate hypnosis potentiation. Pindrolactone, a lanostane-based triterpene lactone, isolated from the leaves, showed mild activity against Gram-positive bacteria but exhibited potent antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria E. coli. Cough, asthma, chronic bronchitis, other pulmonary afflictions, and catarrh of the bladder.
100 Published articles of Abies pindrow