Family: Apiaceae
- Amharic: ከሙን
- Arabic: كمون
- Armenian: Քիմոն
- Azerbaijani: Zirə
- Basque: Komino
- Bengali: Jeera
- Bulgarian: Кимион
- Burmese: Ziya
- Catalan: Comí
- Chinese: 孜然芹
- Czech: Římský kmín
- Danish: Spidskommen
- Dutch: Komijn
- Esperanto: Kumino
- Estonian: Vürtsköömen
- Finnish: Roomankumina
- Galician: Comino
- Georgian: კვლიავი
- German: Kreuzkümmel
- Gujarati: જીરું
- Hebrew: כמון
- Hindi: जीरा
- Hungarian: Római kömény
- Icelandic: Kummin
- Indonesian: Jinten
- Japanese: ウマゼリ
- Kannada: ಜೀರಿಗೆ
- Kazakh: Зере
- Khmer: Ma chin
- Korean: 커민
- Lithuanian: Kuminai
- Norwegian: Spisskummen
- Polish: Kmin rzymski
- Portuguese: Cominho
- Romanian: Chimion turcesc
- Russian: Индийский тмин
- Slovak: Džíra
- Swedish: Spiskummin
- Tamil: சீரகம்
- Telugu: జిలకర. జీలకర్ర
- Thai: เทียนขาว
- Turkish: Kimyon
- Odia: ଜିରା
- Malayalam: ജീരകം
Uses: Cuminaldehyde, the major active compound of cumin, possesses many health benefits. These include anti-allergic, antioxidant, anti-platelet aggregation, and hypoglycemic. [Anti-diabetes and Anti-obesity Medicinal Plants and Phytochemicals_ Safety, Efficacy, and Action Mechanisms]
Seeds have cooling effect and therefore form an ingredient of most prescriptions for gonorrhea, chronic diarrhea, and dyspepsia. It is also useful in hoarseness of voice, dyspepsia, and chronic diarrhea. [CRC Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants]
Used in Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha. Carminative and emmenagogue, warming, used to treat stomach, digestion and digestive disorders, lung; treats fever, lungs and indigestion diseases; decoction of leaves of Phyllanthus fraternus with sugar and Cuminum cyminum taken orally to treat syphilis and gonorrhea; aids digestion and increases appetite. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Relieves flatulence and bloating, and stimulates the entire digestive process. It reduces abdominal gases and distension and relaxes the gut. In Indian herbal medicine, cumin is used for insomnia, colds and fevers, and, mixed into a paste with onion juice, has been applied to scorpion stings. The seeds can be taken to improve breast-milk production. [Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine]
Seeds are stimulant, carminative, stomachic, astringent and useful in diarrhoea and dyspepsia and in veterinary medicine. Is an appetite stimulant and good digestive. Used for common gastrointestinal upsets. [Handbook of herbs and spices Vol 2]
According to Bhaavaprakaasha, all the 3 varie ties of cumin seeds are digestive, stomachic, carminative, astringent, uterine disinfectant; useful in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, fevers, inflammations, cough and catarrh. Charaka prescribed Krishna Jiraka, in prescrip tions, for all types of anorexia, and Jiraka as a gen eral tonic, as an aid to virility. Sushruta gave Jiraka seeds in indigestion, colic pain and in intestinal catarrh, as a potherb in cough and flatulence, as a medicated clarified but ter internally in colic and abdominal glands. According to Vrindamaadhava, Jiraka, taken with jaggery, alleviates irregular fever; in prescrip tion, it is an excellent anti-emetic. In traditional medicine, Krishna Jiraka and Jiraka, both are used similarly, as an adjuvant in diarrhoea and dysentery, as an emmenagogue, diuretic and galactagogue and in puerperal com plications. Externally, both are used in cutaneous affections, inflammations, and piles. Unani physicians use Carum carvi, but mostly Cuminum cyminum is used as a substitute. Over-the-counter, Jirakaadyarishta (Ayurveda Saarsamgraha) is available for puerperal diseases; also for promoting quality and quantity of lacta tion in mothers; Jirakaadyam Churanam (Bhaishajya Ratnaavali) for diarrhoea and dysen tery and deranged digestion; Jirakaadyam Ghri- tam (ibid) for anorexia, indigestion, acidity; Jirakaadya Tailam (ibid) for external application in skin affections. Jawarish Kamooni, is a reputed Unani com pound, for hyperacidity and flatulence. [Indian Herbal Remedies]
Alleviate (apha and viiyu. TIley are full of aroma" They are constipative, ununctuous, promoter of memory, aphrodisiac and promoter of eyesight. T11ey cure chardi (vomiting), gulma (phantom tumour) and tidhmtina (tymphanitis). They are carminative and they help in the cleansing of the uterus. [Materia Medica Of Ayurveda]
Cumin seed is much used for flavouring curries in India and Ceylon. Medicinally, it is a stomachic, carminative and astringent. It is useful for dyspepsia, chronic diarrhoea and bilious nausea in pregnant women. It increases the secretion of milk when taken soon after childbirth. [Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) Used in Ceylon]
seeds-stimulant, carminative, stomachic, astringent, useful in diarrhoea and dyspepsia; tonic after gestation period, lactagogue. [Medicinal Plants of Iraq]
Seeds have cooling effect and therefore form an ingredient of most prescriptions for gonorrhea, chronic diarrhea, and dyspepsia. It is also useful in hoarseness of voice, dyspepsia, and chronic diarrhea. [CRC Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants]
Used in Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha. Carminative and emmenagogue, warming, used to treat stomach, digestion and digestive disorders, lung; treats fever, lungs and indigestion diseases; decoction of leaves of Phyllanthus fraternus with sugar and Cuminum cyminum taken orally to treat syphilis and gonorrhea; aids digestion and increases appetite. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Relieves flatulence and bloating, and stimulates the entire digestive process. It reduces abdominal gases and distension and relaxes the gut. In Indian herbal medicine, cumin is used for insomnia, colds and fevers, and, mixed into a paste with onion juice, has been applied to scorpion stings. The seeds can be taken to improve breast-milk production. [Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine]
Seeds are stimulant, carminative, stomachic, astringent and useful in diarrhoea and dyspepsia and in veterinary medicine. Is an appetite stimulant and good digestive. Used for common gastrointestinal upsets. [Handbook of herbs and spices Vol 2]
According to Bhaavaprakaasha, all the 3 varie ties of cumin seeds are digestive, stomachic, carminative, astringent, uterine disinfectant; useful in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, fevers, inflammations, cough and catarrh. Charaka prescribed Krishna Jiraka, in prescrip tions, for all types of anorexia, and Jiraka as a gen eral tonic, as an aid to virility. Sushruta gave Jiraka seeds in indigestion, colic pain and in intestinal catarrh, as a potherb in cough and flatulence, as a medicated clarified but ter internally in colic and abdominal glands. According to Vrindamaadhava, Jiraka, taken with jaggery, alleviates irregular fever; in prescrip tion, it is an excellent anti-emetic. In traditional medicine, Krishna Jiraka and Jiraka, both are used similarly, as an adjuvant in diarrhoea and dysentery, as an emmenagogue, diuretic and galactagogue and in puerperal com plications. Externally, both are used in cutaneous affections, inflammations, and piles. Unani physicians use Carum carvi, but mostly Cuminum cyminum is used as a substitute. Over-the-counter, Jirakaadyarishta (Ayurveda Saarsamgraha) is available for puerperal diseases; also for promoting quality and quantity of lacta tion in mothers; Jirakaadyam Churanam (Bhaishajya Ratnaavali) for diarrhoea and dysen tery and deranged digestion; Jirakaadyam Ghri- tam (ibid) for anorexia, indigestion, acidity; Jirakaadya Tailam (ibid) for external application in skin affections. Jawarish Kamooni, is a reputed Unani com pound, for hyperacidity and flatulence. [Indian Herbal Remedies]
Alleviate (apha and viiyu. TIley are full of aroma" They are constipative, ununctuous, promoter of memory, aphrodisiac and promoter of eyesight. T11ey cure chardi (vomiting), gulma (phantom tumour) and tidhmtina (tymphanitis). They are carminative and they help in the cleansing of the uterus. [Materia Medica Of Ayurveda]
Cumin seed is much used for flavouring curries in India and Ceylon. Medicinally, it is a stomachic, carminative and astringent. It is useful for dyspepsia, chronic diarrhoea and bilious nausea in pregnant women. It increases the secretion of milk when taken soon after childbirth. [Medicinal Plants (Indigenous and Exotic) Used in Ceylon]
seeds-stimulant, carminative, stomachic, astringent, useful in diarrhoea and dyspepsia; tonic after gestation period, lactagogue. [Medicinal Plants of Iraq]
670 Cuminum cyminum published articles: