Family: Solanaceae
Synonyms: Hyoscarpus niger (L.) Dulac, Hyoscyamus agrestis Kit., Hyoscyamus auriculatus Ten., Hyoscyamus bohemicus F.W.Schmidt, Hyoscyamus lethalis Salisb., Hyoscyamus niger var. annuus Sims, Hyoscyamus niger var. chinensis Makino, Hyoscyamus officinarum Crantz, Hyoscyamus pallidus Waldst. & Kit. ex Willdenow, Hyoscyamus persicus Boiss. & Buhse, Hyoscyamus pictus Roth, Hyoscyamus syspirensis K.Koch, Hyoscyamus verviensis Lej., Hyoscyamus vulgaris Neck.
- English: Henbane
- Bengali : Khorasani ajwan
- Gujrati : Khurasanee ajma, Khurasanee ajmo
- Hindi : Khurasanee ajvayan,
- Kannada : Khurasanee, Ajawaana
- Malayalam : Khurasaanee, Paarasika, Yavaani
- Marathi : Khurasanee ova
- Punjabi : Khurasanee ajvain, Bangidewana
- Tamil : Kurasanee Vomam
- Telugu : Kurasanee vamu, Khurasanee omam
- Urdu : Ajvayanee Khursanee
- Arabic: بنج أسود
- Armenian: Բանգի սև
- Azerbaijani: Qara batbat
- Basque: Erabelar
- Bulgarian: Черна попадийка
- Chinese: 天仙子
- Czech: Blín černý
- Danish: Bulmeurt
- Esperanto: Nigra hiskiamo
- Estonian: Koera-pöörirohi
- Finnish: Hullukaali, villikaali
- French: jusquiane
- Galician: Meimendro
- German: Schwarzes Bilsenkraut
- Hindi: Khurasani ajwain
- Icelandic: Nornajurt
- Ido: Hiskiamo
- Irish: Gafann
- Italian: dente cavallino
- Kashubian: Czôrnô kadzelnica
- Kazakh: Қара меңдуана
- Korean: 사리풀
- Latin: Folia sive Herba Hyoscyami
- Nepali: र्खुसानी ज्वाँनु Khursani jwanu, बजरभाङ्ग Bajarabhaang
- Norwegian: Villrot
- Persian: بذرالبنج (گیاه)
- Polish: bielun
- Romanian: bob
- Russian: белена ерная
- Sanskrit: Parseek yawani
- Spanish: hierba loca
- Swedish: bolmört
- Upper Sorbian: Čorny woblěd
- Welsh: Llewyg yr iâr
Description: Plants annual or biennial, up to 1.5 m tall, pubescent to hairy. Leaves sessile, 5-12.5 x 2.8-7.5 cm, ovate-oblong, sinuate to pinnately lobed, ± semi-amplexicaul, glandular-pubescent, especially on the nerves and margins. Calyx 14-16 mm long, up to 26 mm in fruit, campanulate to infundibuliform, ± urceolate in fruit, nervose, glandular-pilose; lobes triangular, aristate. Corolla (18-) 20-30 mm long, infundibuliform, pale yellow, with brown-purple nerves; lobes ± obtuse, unequal; tube glandular-pilose to the outside. Stamens subexserted, unequal. Lower part of filament pilose, purplish. Style exceeding the stamens in length, purplish. Pyxidium 11-13 mm long, ± pitcher-shaped; operculum usually of a darker colour. Seeds ± 1.2 mm long, reniform, rugose-tuberculate, brown.
Used for dysmenorrhea, premature ejaculation, nocturnal discharges, abdominal colic, abdominal distention, abdominal lumps, calculus, cough, asthma, insomnia, insanity, spasmodic pain, and joint pain (therapeutic uses based on texts from the thirteenth to sixteenth centuries). Seeds are used as a sedative, anti-spasmodic, stomachic, anthelmintic (prevent griping pain when added to cathartics), astringent and anodyne in Ayurvedic and Unani systems. Leaves are preferred in other systems. Seeds possess narcotic properties, and in large doses produces poisonous effects like datura poisoning. [Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeial Plant Drugs: Expanded Therapeutics]
Used in Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha. Hallucinogenic, toxic. This plant, in the roots, leaves and seeds, contains several alkaloids, and it has caused rare poisoning in humans, cattle, poultry and swine. Its hallucinogenic effects have led people to eat the seed or chew the flowers, often with detrimental results, the major affect of hyoscyamine is depression of the central nervous system. Ingestion causes anticholinergic syndrome with stimulatory and hallucinatory effects. Post- mortem examination showed degeneration of heart muscle and cyanosis of mucous membranes. Whole plant vermifuge. Fried leaves applied over the forehead to relieve pain and headache. Leaves and flowering tops used in asthma. Leaves and fruits decoction given in whooping cough and asthma. Powdered seeds and leaves given as sedative and antispas- modic, for asthma, intestinal worms, whooping cough. Seeds astringent, used as an anaesthetic and for relieving muscu- lar spasm and pain, toothache, diarrhea, neuralgia, hysteria, asthma, cough, skin inflammation; powdered seeds given to subside pain, toothache and asthma. Magico-religious plant, ritual, for exorcism, Lamas burn the seeds and blow the smoke into the patient’s mouth. Veterinary medicine, leaf extract applied in sprains. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Relieve spasm and pain, cause tranquilization. [Herbal and Traditional Medicine]
71 Published articles of Hyoscyamus niger