Family: Amaranthaceae
Anserina muralis (L.) Montandon, Atriplex muralis (L.) Crantz,
Chenopodium baccatum Labill., Chenopodium biforme Nees, Chenopodium
carthagenense Zuccagni, Chenopodium carthagenense Zucc., Chenopodium
chamrium Buch.-Ham. [Invalid], Chenopodium congestum Hook.f.,
Chenopodium flavum Forssk., Chenopodium gandhium Buch.-Ham., Chenopodium
guineense Jacq., Chenopodium laterale Aiton, Chenopodium longidjawense
Peter, Chenopodium lucidum Gilib., Chenopodium maroccanum Pau,
Chenopodium murale var. acutidentatum Aellen, Chenopodium murale var.
albescens Moq., Chenopodium murale f. albescens (Moq.) Maire,
Chenopodium murale var. angustatum Fenzl, Chenopodium murale var.
biforme (Nees) Moq., Chenopodium murale var. carthagenense Moq.,
Chenopodium murale var. latifolium Fenzl, Chenopodium murale var.
microphyllum Coss. & Germ., Chenopodium murale var. paucidentatum
Beck, Chenopodium murale var. spissidentatum Murr, Rhagodia baccata
(Labill.) Moq., Rhagodia baccata var. congesta (Hook. f.) Hook. f.,
Rhagodia congesta (Hook. f.) Moq., Vulvaria trachisperma Bubani
- Common name: Nettle-Leaved Goosefoot, Australian-spinach, salt-green
- Hindi: Goyalo
- Arabic: حد , شجره المتينه (شَجرة المُتينه)
- Dutch: Muurganzenvoet
- Finnish: Rauniosavikka
- French: Chénopode du bon Henri
- Icelandic: netlunjóli
- Portuguese: Pé-de-ganso
- Romanian: frunză de potcă
- Russian: Марь постенная
Annual up to 90 cm. high, upright or spreading, normally much branched,
green, rarely red-tinged, mealy especially on young parts but rarely
densely so. Leaves variable, commonly rhombic-ovate, rarely narrower,
about 1 *5-9 cm. long and 0*8-5 (-7) cm, wide, without any tendency for
especially prominent basal lobes, but with several coarse irregular
ascending usually sharp teeth (about 5-15 teeth on each margin, rarely
fewer). Inflore cences leafy, composed of divaricately branched cymes up
to 5 cm. long, terminal and from upper axils. Flowers greenish, minute,
about 1-1-5 mm. in diameter. Sepals 5, papillose on margins and
outside, each with a blunt raised green keel towards apex only. Stamens
5. Pericarp veiy difficult to detach from seed. Seeds (Fig. 2/3, p. 3)
black, somewhat shining, 1-2- 1*5 mm. in diameter, acutely keeled; testa
under microscope marked with very close minute rounded pits.
Used for gastrointestinal tract pains and fever. [Medicinal Plants of Wadi El Gemal National Park]
76 Published articles of Chenopodium murale