Family: Bignoniaceae
Synonyms: Bignonia ignea Vell., Bignonia tecomiflora Rusby, Bignonia tubulosa Klotzsch, Bignonia venusta Ker Gawl., Jacaranda echinata Spreng., Pyrostegia amabilis Miers , Pyrostegia dichotoma Miers ex K.Schum., Pyrostegia ignea (Vell.) C.Presl, Pyrostegia ornata Miers , Pyrostegia pallida Miers , Pyrostegia parvifolia Miers , Pyrostegia puberula Miers , Pyrostegia reticulata Miers , Pyrostegia tecomiflora (Rusby) K.Schum. ex Urb., Pyrostegia tubulosa (Klotzsch) Bureau & K.Schum., Pyrostegia venusta var. villosa Hassl., Tecoma venusta (Ker Gawl.) Lem., Tynanthus igneus (Vell.) Barb.Rodr.,
Common name: Flame vine, Flaming trumpet, Golden shower trumpet, Orange Bignonia
Chinese: 炮仗花
Finnish: Tulitrumpetti
French: Liane aurore, Liane de feu
Hawaiian: huapala
Paraguay: Yvyrati
Swedish: Flamranka
Tamil: தந்கா பூ Tanga pu
Thai: พวงแสด
Tongan: Talupite ulo
Description: Liana that climbs by tendrils, 5-7 m in length. Stems angular to subcylindrical, striate, puberulent or lepidote, interpetiolar zone not glandular; cross section of the mature stem with peripheral phloem tissue not forming a cross. Leaves opposite, 2- or 3-foliolate, sometimes with a trifid, deciduous tendril; leaflets 4-6 × 2.5-4 cm, ovate, chartaceous, lepidote or puberulent, with numerous resinous dots on both surfaces, the apex acute, the base rounded, the margins undulate, revolute; upper surface dark, slightly shiny, with the venation slightly prominent; lower surface light green, dull, with a prominent midvein, without domatia; petioles and petiolules glabrous or puberulous, the petioles 1.5-2.5 cm long, angular, the petiolules 1-1.5 cm long, sulcate on the upper surface; pseudostipules inconspicuous. Flowers numerous in terminal panicles; pedicels 0.6-15 cm long. Calyx green, broadly campanulate, 4-4.5 mm long, subtruncate or 5-denticulate and ciliate at the apex; corolla redorange, tubular, 5.5-6.5 cm long, the tube glabrous externally, puberulent inside, the limb 2.9-4 cm in diameter, with 5 lobes, 1-1.5 cm long; stamens exserted, yellow; ovary oblong, ca. 4 mm long, glabrous or lepidote. Capsule linear, compressed, coriaceous, light brown, 25-30 cm long, with the midvein slightly prominent; seeds numerous, 1.2-1.4 cm long, the wings brown with the margins hyaline.
Stem + leaf: tonic, for treating diarrhea and dysentery COS, MIS. Leaf: antioxidant activity. Root. Allantoin, β-sitosterol, hesperidine, 3β-0-β-D-glupyranosylsitosterol Leaf: flavonoids, phenolics. Flower. β-sitosterol, n-hentriacontan, 7-0-β-D-glycopyranosilacacetin, mesoinositol [ Medicinal flora of Argentina]
54 Published articles of Pyrostegia venusta