Cassia angustifolia Vahl.
Family: Caesalpininiace
Sanskrit - Swarna patri
Gujarati - Nat ki sana
Hindi - Sanay, Sana ka patt
Kannada - Nelavarike, Sonamukhi
Malayalam Sunnamukki, Connamukki
Sanskrit Svarnapatti
Telugu - Nela tangedu, Sunamukhi, Senna
Tamil - Nilavarai, Nelavakai
Perennial plant which live and bear fruit a number of years before they die.
Active ingredient:Anthroquone glycoside, which exists in the plant in the form of anthranol glycoside.
Purgative (free from astringent action of rhubark type herbs, but causes gripe), used in compounds for treating biliousness, distention of stomach, vomiting and hiccups. Also used as
a febrifuge, in splenic enlargements, jaundice, amoebic dysentery. Contraindicated in inflammatory colon diseases.
List of 112 published articles
Family: Caesalpininiace
Sanskrit - Swarna patri
Gujarati - Nat ki sana
Hindi - Sanay, Sana ka patt
Kannada - Nelavarike, Sonamukhi
Malayalam Sunnamukki, Connamukki
Sanskrit Svarnapatti
Telugu - Nela tangedu, Sunamukhi, Senna
Tamil - Nilavarai, Nelavakai
Perennial plant which live and bear fruit a number of years before they die.
Active ingredient:Anthroquone glycoside, which exists in the plant in the form of anthranol glycoside.
Purgative (free from astringent action of rhubark type herbs, but causes gripe), used in compounds for treating biliousness, distention of stomach, vomiting and hiccups. Also used as
a febrifuge, in splenic enlargements, jaundice, amoebic dysentery. Contraindicated in inflammatory colon diseases.
List of 112 published articles