Marchantia polymorpha L.
Family: Marchantiaceae
Description: Common liverwort has a flat, branching form. The thallus is generally 0.8 to 4 inches (2-10 cm) long and 0.3 to 0.8 inch (7-20 mm) broad. Thalli are dichotomously branched and exhibit apical growth. Numerous rhizoids attach the gametophyte (thallus) to the soil. Smooth rhizoids penetrate the soil, while tuberculate rhizoids run horizontally along the surface of the plant. Common liverwort is dioecious.
Family: Marchantiaceae
- Common name: Liverwort
- Arabic: كبدية مائية
- Czech: Porostnice mnohotvárná
- German: Brunnenlebermoos
- French: Hépatique des fontaines
- Armenian: Լերդամամուռ սովորական
- Japanese: ゼニゴケ
- Polish: Porostnica wielokształtna
- Russian: Маршанция изменчивая
- Romanian: Fierea pământului
- Finnish: Keuhkosammal
- Islandic: Stjörnumosi
- Vietnamese: Địa tiền
- Swedish: Lungmossa
- Chinese: 全缘地钱
Marchantia polymorpha was used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, liver-related ailments and also boil. [Therapeutic Use of Medicinal Plants and Their Extracts _ Pharmacognosy]
Marchantia polymorpha, has, as the name indicates, enjoyed an age-old reputation, propagated in herbals, as a remedy for liver complaints. plants were valued instead as a cure for colds and consumption, for ‘a binding at the heart’ and as a diuretic for dropsy. Plant served at one time as a remedy for asthma. [Medicinal Plants in Folk Tradition - An Ethnobotany of Britain & Ireland]
399 Published articles of Marchantia polymorpha