Family: Urticaceae
Synonyms: Adicea microphylla Kuntze, Adicea microphylla var. trianthemoides (Sw.) Kuntze, Chamaecnide microphylla Nees ex Miq., Dubrueilia microphylla (L.) Gaudich., Parietaria microphylla L., Pilea microphylla var. longifolia Wedd., Pilea muscosa Lindl., Pilea muscosa var. microphylla (L.) Wedd., Pilea portula Liebm., Pilea serpyllacea (Kunth) Liebm., Pilea succulenta Hook. f., Pilea trianthemoides var. microphylla (L.) Wedd., Urtica herniarifolia Willd., Urtica microphylla (L.) Sw., Urtica portulacoides Spreng., Urtica serpyllacea Kunth
- Common name: Gunpowder Plant, Artillery plant, Rockweed
- Marathi: rip
- Chinese: 小叶冷水麻
- Finnish: Sammalpiilea
- French: Pilée à petites feuilles
- German: Kleinblättrige Kanonierblume
- Spanish: espumilla
- Swedish: Mosspilea
Description: Slender succulent herbs; branches and leaves bifarious; stem transparent. Leaves to 4 x 3 mm, ovate-orbicular, base attenuate, apex obtuse, subsucculent, 1-nerved; raphides transverse; petiole to 1 mm long. Flowers monoecious in small umbellate clusters, 1-1.5 mm across. Male flowers: tepals 4, free, concave, obtuse; stamens 4. Female flowers: tepals connate, 2-4-toothed; ovary c. 0.5 mm long, ovoid, 1-celled; ovule 1. Achene c. 1 mm long, ellipsoid.
Whole plant diuretic, anthelmintic, a paste applied on rheumatic joints and skin diseases, for gastric and intestinal troubles. Leaves paste applied to sores and bruises. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Leaves inflammation, womb cleanser, Antioxidant, radioprotective [Ethnomedicinal Plants Revitalization of Traditional Knowledge of Herbs]
Diuretic, liver and urinary inflammation, diarrhea, sores [Handbook of African Medicinal Plants]
In Jamaica this plant is said to provide relief in cases of asthma. Beckwith reports its use with 'egg trash' to make tea for a woman in labour and for both mother and child after the birth. In the Grenadines it is used for diarrhoea in children. [ Medicinal Plants of Jamaica]
Antitoxic, stable uterus, lung diseases, hepatitis, sore throat, stroke, brain hemorrhage, lowers blood pressure. [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants: Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values]
Whole plant diuretic, anthelmintic, a paste applied on rheumatic joints and skin diseases, for gastric and intestinal troubles. Leaves paste applied to sores and bruises. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Leaves inflammation, womb cleanser, Antioxidant, radioprotective [Ethnomedicinal Plants Revitalization of Traditional Knowledge of Herbs]
Diuretic, liver and urinary inflammation, diarrhea, sores [Handbook of African Medicinal Plants]
In Jamaica this plant is said to provide relief in cases of asthma. Beckwith reports its use with 'egg trash' to make tea for a woman in labour and for both mother and child after the birth. In the Grenadines it is used for diarrhoea in children. [ Medicinal Plants of Jamaica]
Antitoxic, stable uterus, lung diseases, hepatitis, sore throat, stroke, brain hemorrhage, lowers blood pressure. [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants: Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values]