Ageratum conyzoides L.

Family: Asteraceae
Assamese: gendelabon
Bengali: uchunti
Chinese: 藿香薊
Hindi: जंगली पुदीना jungli pudina
Indonesian: Bandotan
Kannada: ಹೇಲುಕಸ helukasa, ನಾಯಿ ತುಳಸಿ naayi tulasi
Konkani: वोसाडी vosadi
Manipuri: খোংগজাঈ নপী khongjai napi
Marathi: घाणेरा ओसाडी ghanera osaadi
Sanskrit: विषामुष्टिः visamushti, Dochunty, Uchunti,
Svenska: Läkeageratum
Tamil: அப்பக்கொடி appa-k-kodi
Telugu: Kampurodda, Gana gaaju, పోకబంతి poka-banthi
Other names: FG Creole: azier francois, ponclit, radie francois, raguet-francois. Surinam: bokkekruid, bokki boontje, wetie ete, weti hede, wit ede. Surinam Sranan: bokobokowiwiri, boko boko wiwiri, boko-boko-wiwiri. Surinam Javan: wedoesan.
Uses: Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, styptic. For kidney stones, leaf extract is administered twice a day.[Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol. 9 (1), January 2010, pp. 184-190]
Whole plant: Infusion for treating sore throats, colic, atony of the digestive tract, and as a tonic. Root: Infusion used for reducing a high temperature. Leaf: Mucilaginous leaves are mashed and the juice used to calm a sore throat and for colds; concentrated decoction for chiggers; infusion is diuretic and antidiarrhoeic; emollient. Leaves are put in water and the liquid is drunk for body itches, the so-called "faja skin" or "fafa skieng", in Suriname. Infusion for chest conditions.[Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)].
Uses: Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, styptic. For kidney stones, leaf extract is administered twice a day.[Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol. 9 (1), January 2010, pp. 184-190]
Whole plant: Infusion for treating sore throats, colic, atony of the digestive tract, and as a tonic. Root: Infusion used for reducing a high temperature. Leaf: Mucilaginous leaves are mashed and the juice used to calm a sore throat and for colds; concentrated decoction for chiggers; infusion is diuretic and antidiarrhoeic; emollient. Leaves are put in water and the liquid is drunk for body itches, the so-called "faja skin" or "fafa skieng", in Suriname. Infusion for chest conditions.[Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)].
127 Published articles on Ageratum conyzoides