Synonyms: Fagonia deflexa Moench, Fagonia elongata Salisb., Fagonia erecta Mill., Fagonia forskalii Pfund, Fagonia hispanica L., Fagonia virens Coss. ex T.Anderson, Fagonia viscosa Hochst. ex Boiss.
Correct name for Indian sp. is Fagonia schweifurthii Hadidi. F. bruguieri DC. is not a synonym of F. cretica, (Indian Medicinal Plants an Illustrated Dictionary)
according to CDRI.)
Sanskrit: Dhanvayasah, Duhsparsha, Duralambha, Virupa, Duralabha, Ushtrabhaksha
Bengali: Duralabha
English: Khorasan thorn
Gujrati: Dhamaaso
Hindi: Damahan, Dhamaasa, Hinguaa, Dhanhare
Malayalam: Kodittuva
Marathi: Dhamaasaa
Punjabi: Dama, Dhamah, Dhamaha
Tamil: Tulganari
Telugu: Chittigava, Gilaregati
Unani: Dhamaasaa
Ayurvedic uses: Daha, Grahani, Gulma, Jvara, Kasa, Kushta, Prameha, Raktapitta, Vatarakta, Visarpa, Atisara, Visama jvara, Trishna, Moha, Murccha, Madaroga,Rakatavikara, Bharama, Chardi, Mutraghata.
Astringent, antiseptic, blood-purifier and febrifuge. Applied to abscesses, scrofulous glands and wounds; also given as a prophylactic against smallpox. Bark—used for dermatosis Extract of aerial parts—antiviral, antiamphetaminic, spasmogenic. Plant ash—given to children suffering from anaemia.
Fagonia cretica herbal tea arrested the growth of cancer cells within five hours of application and caused them to die within 24 hours. Source: Times of India Dt.23 Aug. 2012
35 Published articles of Fagonia cretica