Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Synonyms: Ipomoea reptans, Ipomoea natans, Ipomoea repens, Ipomoea sagittaefolia, Ipomoea subdentata
Common name: Swamp Cabbage, Chinese water spinach, water spinach

Bengali: কলমি kalami
Gujarati: નળી ની ભાજી nali ni bhaji
Hindi: कलमी kalmi
Kannada: ನೀರು ಹಂಬು niru hambu
Konkani: takasi vel
Malayalam: ballel
Manipuri: কোলম্নী kolamni
Marathi: नाडी शाक naadi shaak, नळी ची भाजी nali chi bhaji
Oriya: kalama saga
Pali: कलम्बा kalamba
Prakrit: कलम्मिआ kalammia
Punjabi: ਨਾਲੀ ਬੇਲ nali bel
Sanskrit: कलम्ब kalamba, कलम्बी kalambi, कलम्बिका kalambika, नालीकः naalikah
Tamil: ஞாழி nali, நாளிகம் nalikam, வள்ளை vallai, வள்ளைக்கீரை vallai-k-kirai, வாரிபர்ணி variparni
Telugu: తీగబచ్చలి tigabaccali
Cambodian: trakuo
Chinese: weng cai, kong xin cai, tong cai, ong choi, yung ts’ai
Filipino: tangkong
French: patate aquatique
German: wasserspinat
Indonesian, Malay: kankung
Italian: vilucchio d’acqua
Japanese: asagaona
Laotian: bˆongz, phak bung.
Portuguese: cancon
Thai: vallai kirai, phak bung
Vietnamese: tr ˆaku¨on, rau muong
Action: Emetic and purgative. Used as an antidote to arsenical or opium poisoning. Plant juice is used for liver complaints; buds for ringworm. The leaves are a good source of minerals, vitamins (especially, carotene and tocopherol).
Uses: In Cambodia, Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. is used to treat ringworm infection, combat fever, and to treat asthma. In China, the plant is used to relieve the bowels of costiveness, to counteract the putrefaction of the skin and uterus, to invigorate health, to treat food poisoning and cough. In Indonesia, the plant is used to treat asthma, to calm and to heal boils and hemorrhoids. In the Philippines, Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. is used to treat diabetes. (Medicinal plants of Asia-Pacific: Drugs for Future?)
Menorrhagia, flatulence, as tonic and inflammation for intoxication (MEDICINAL PLANTS OF MYANMAR)
Decoction used to remedy haemorrhoids. Leaf: Crushed leaves are applied to hardened pimples.(Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana))
115 Published articles on Ipomoea aquatica