Family: Fabaceae
Synonym: Rhynchosia coodoorensis Bedd.
Description: Trailing undershrubs to 1.5m tall; branches grey-downy. Leaves 3 foliate, leaflets 3-6 × 1.5-4cm, ovate-rhomboid, tomentose on upper surface, densey tomentose on lower surface. Flowers 1 cm long, yellow, in 5-10cm long axillary lax racemes. Bracts cordate. Calyx campanulate, accrescent, hairy. Corolla yellow, papilionoid, standard obovate, wings and keels subequal, inflexed. Stamens (9)+1; vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary sessile or subsessile; ovules 2; style curved above middle, usually hairy at lower part; stigma terminal. Pod 1cm long, 1 or 2 seeded, septate between seeds, pubescent, enclosed within accrescent calyx.
Antimicrobial, essential oil obtained from the leaves by steam distillation.
2 Published articles of Rhynchosia heynei