Family: Araceae
Common name: Flamingo lily, oilcloth-flower
Japanese: ô-beni-uchiwa
German: Grosse Flamingoblume
Chinese: 花燭
Vietnamese: Hồng môn
Russian: Антуриум Андре
Dutch: Lakanthurium
Persian: آنتوریوم آندرانوم
Arabic: أنتوريم أحمر
Flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum) is an indoor ornamental plant that produces striking flowers. Ingestion can cause painful irritation of the mouth and throat. Other species of the genus Anthurium may be cultivated in Canada, and all these plants should be regarded as containing calcium oxalate crystals, an irritant. [Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System]
Irritant. Ingestion can cause painful irritation of the mouth and throat, blistering, dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing), hoarseness. Ingestion usually does not occur because chewing quickly causes painful irritation of the mouth and throat. Flamingo lily contains calcium oxalate raphide crystals, which cause painful swelling in the mouth and throat upon ingestion. These crystals readily penetrate mucous membranes, leading to irritation; crystals are not poisonous. Crushed leaves rubbed on caterpillar sores. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology]
47 Published articles of Anthurium andraeanum