Syn.: Cyclospermum leptophyllum
Family: Umbelliferae
Sanskrit : Dipyaka
Assamese : Bonjamani, Bonajain, Yamani, Ajowan
Bengali : Randhuni, Banyamani
English : Oregano
Gujrati : Bodi Ajamo, Ajamo
Hindi : Ajmuda, Ajmod, Ajwain
Kannada : Oma, Ajavana, Omakki
Kashmiri : Fakhazur, Banjuan
Malayalam : Ayamodakum, Omam
Marathi : Ajmoda, Oova
Oriya : Banajuani
Punjabi : Valjawain, Ajmod
Tamil : Omam
Telugu : vamu
Urdu : Ajmod
Trachyspermum roxburghianum (DC) Sprague Syn. Carum roxburghianum Benth. Hook.f. is the common market substitute.
Though it is very common and widely used plant in India not much
pharmacological work is published on this plant. Most of the available
published articles are not related to medicine. Literally not a single publication is available on pubmed search on the date of this posting. View results here