Family: Leguminosae
Vernacular names: Afrikaans : Apeneutjie, Grondboontjie; Arabic : Fûl Sûdânî; Aragonese : Cascagüet; Aymara : Chuqupa; Azeri : Araxis; Bolivia : Chikopa ( Aymara ); Bosnian : Kikiriki; Brazil : Amendoim, Amendoim Verdadeiro, Aráquida, Jinguba, Mancarra, Mendoim, Mendubi, Mondubim, Mudubim ( Portuguese ); Catalan : Cacauet; Chinese : Chang Sheng Guo, Fan Dou, Hua Sheng, Luo Hua Sheng; Czech : Podzemnice Olejná; Danish : Jordnød, Jordnødder, Jordnoedder;Dutch : Aardnoot, Grondnoot, Pindaplant; Eastonian : Harilik Maapähkel; Ecuador : Zaruma ( Spanish ); Esperanto : Ternukso; Fiji : Pinati ( Fijian ), Maungafali ( Indian ); Finnish : Maapähkinä; French : Arachide, Arachide Du Cayor, Cacahuète, Cacahouète, Pistache De Terre, Pistachier De Terre, Rufi sque; Galician : Cacahuete; German : Erdnuß, Echte Erdnuss, Erdmandel; Greek : Arahida, Arapico Fistiki; Hungarian : Amerikaimogyoró, Földimogyoró; Icelandic : Jarðhnetur; India : China Badam ( Bengali ), Bhoising ( Gujarati ), Moong Phali, Muungaphalii ( Hindu ), Kadale Kayi ( Kannada ), Moong Phalli ( Kashmiri ), Nellakkadalai, Nilakkadalai ( Malayalam ), Bhui Mug ( Marathi ), China Badam ( Oriya ), Moong Phalli ( Punjabi ), Nilakkadalai, Verkaddalai, ( Tamil ), Verusanaga, buddalu, pallilu [Telugu] Mugphalii ( Urdu ); Italian : Arachide, Mandorla Di Terra, Nocciolina, Pistacchio Di Terra; Indonesia : Kacang Jawa, Kacang Manila, Kacang Tanah; Khmer : Sanndaek Dei; Japanese : Nankinmame, Piinatsu, Piinattsu, Rakkasei; Korean : Ttang Kong; Laotian : Thwax Din, Thwax Ho; Lithuanian : Valgomasis Arachis; Luxembourgish : Kakuett; Malaysia : Kacang Goreng, Kacang Jawa, Kacang Tanah; Mexico : Cacahueta; Nahuatl : Tlālcacahuatl; Nepal : Badam, Mungphalii; Norwegian : Peanøtt, Jordnøtt; Pakistan : Mung Phali; Papua New Guinea : Galip Bilong Giraun, Kasang; Paraguay : Manduvi ( Guarani ); Peru : Inchik, Inchis ( Quechua ); Philipines : Batung–China ( Sulu ), Mani ( Tagalog ); Polish : Orzech Ziemny, Orzacha Podziemna; Portuguese : Amendoim, Caranga, Mandobi; Russian : Arakhis; Senegal : Mankoli ( Badyara ), Mangara, Su U, Slovašcina : Arašid, Kikiriki; Spanish : Alcagüeses, Aráquido, Avellana Americana, Cacahuate, Huasquillo, Mandovi, Maní, Manî, Pistacho De Tierra; Swahili : Mjugu Nyasa, Mnjugu Nyasa; Swedish : Jordnöt; Thai : Thùa Lísong; Tongan : Pīnati; Turkish : Yer Fıstığı; Vietnamese : Lac, Dâu Phong.
Moongphali (Unani)
Moongphali (Unani)
An important oilseed crop in India.
Plant emollient and demulcent, used to relieve cough. Leaf macerations drunk as a diuretic; leaf infusions drunk against female infertility and as eye drops to treat cataract. Pod extracts taken as a galactagogue, and as eye drops to treat conjunctivis. Seedlings and pod extract aphrodisiac, tonic. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
There is a haemostatic principle in the peanut flour, which is said to improve the condition of haemophiliacs. The protease inhibitor acts on the fibrinolytic system, primarily as an antiplasmin. It is reported to form complexes not only with the enzymes, but also with the corresponding zymogens. The peanut (red) skin contains bioflavonoids, which possess vitamin P activity; tannins; a lipoxidase and a protease inhibitor. Capric acid, obtained from the (red) skin, showed antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
In French Guiana, an oily emulsion of the seed is used to remedy inflammatory colic; hot peanut oil is applied in a compress to dislocations, sometimes when mixed with rum. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) ]
125 Pharmacology related published articles of Arachis hypogaea