Family: Piperaceae

Bengali: পান paana, পর্ণ parna, পর্ণকারী parnakari
Bikol: buyo
Burmese: kun-ya
Chinese: 蒌叶, da feng teng, ju jiang, tu bi ba, tu wei teng, wei zi, wei ye
English: betel leaf
Gujarati: paan
Hindi: पान pan
Iloko: gaued
Indonesian: bakik serasa, serasa, séwéh, séwéh lubuh
Kannada: panu
Konkani: पान paan, पडी पान padipaan
Latin: piper folium
Malayalam: വെറ്റില
Malay: se keh
Marathi: पान pan, विड्याचे पान vidyache pan
Nepalese: paan
Oriya: ପାନ
Pampanga: samat
Pangasinan: gaoed
Portuguese: alfavaca de cobra, cobrinha
Russian: Бетель
Sanskrit: Nagavalli
Sinhala: බුලත්
Tagalog: buyo anis, ikmo, ikmong iloko, itmo, manin
Tamil: vettrilai, வெற்றிலை vettilai
Telugu: ఆకు aku, తమలపాకు tamalapaku
Thai: phlu, phulu
Urdu: pan
Vietnamese: lau, mjàu, thô lau dàng, trâu cay, trâu không, trâu luong
Ayurvedic uses: Kandu, Hrullasa, Agnimandya, Jvara, Hrudroga, Svarabheda
Activities: Amebicide, Analgesic, Antibacterial, Antilactagogue, Antioxidant, Antiperistaltic, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Aperitif, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Cardiotonic, Carminative, Cerebrotonic, CNS-Depressant, CNSStimulant, Collyrium, Contraceptive, Deobstruent, Digestive, Diuretic, Euphoric, Expectorant, Fungicide, Hemostat, Hepatotonic, Immunomodulator, Intoxicant, Laxative, Litholytic, Masticatory, Narcotic, Parasiticide, Sedative, Sialagogue, Sterilant, Stimulant, Stomachic, Tonic, Vermifuge, Vulnerary. (Handbook of Medicinal Herbs)
Indications: Adenopathy, Alcoholism, Ameba, Anorexia, Asthma, Bacteria, Bleeding, Boil, Bronchosis, Bruise, Cancer, Catarrh, Childbirth, Cirrhosis, Colic, Congestion, Conjunctivosis, Constipation, Cough, Cramp, Debility, Diphtheria, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Dyspnea, Edema, Elephantiasis, Enterosis, Escherichia, Fever, Fungus, Gas, Gastrosis, Gravel, Halitosis, Headache, Hemeralopia, Hepatosis, Impotence, Infection, Inflammation, Insanity, Insomnia, Laryngosis, Leprosy, Malaria, Mastosis, Mucososis, Mycosis, Nervousness, Nyctalopia, Odontosis, Ophthalmia, Otosis, Ozena, Pain, Parasite, Phthisis, Pulmonosis, Respirosis, Rheumatism, Rhinosis, Salmonella, Satyriasis, Scirrhus, Shigella, Snakebite, Sore, Sore Throat, Stone, Streptococcus, Swelling, Syncope, Syphilis, Thirst, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Tumor, Ulcer, VD, Water Retention, Worm, Wound. (Handbook of Medicinal Herbs)
The leaves are stimulant, antiseptic and sialogogue. Leaf juice is used in eye afflictions. Aqueous extract is useful in throat inflammation and in alleviating coughs and indigestion. The essential oil from leaves is used in respiratory catarrh and also as an antiseptic. The oil also possesses antibacterial and antifungal activities. The oil is an active local stimulant used in the local application or gargle, also as an inhalant in diphtheria. In India the leaves are used as a counter-irritant to suppress the secretion of milk in mammary abscesses. The juice of four leaves is equivalent in power to one drop of the oil. Betel leaves possess anti-oxidant action, because of the phenols such as hydroxy chavicol present in it. (Handbook of herbs and spices)
Leaf—stimulant, carminative, astringent, antiseptic. Essential oil from leaves—antispasmodic, antiseptic. Used in respiratory catarrhs. Fruit—bechic. The leaves afforded beta- and gamma- sitosterol, hentriacontane, pentatriacontane, n-triacontanol, stearic acid and chavicol. The essential oil from leaves contained carvacrol, eugenol, chavicol, allyl catechol, cineole, estragol, caryophyllene, cardinene, pcymene and eugenol methyl ether. Administration of the leaf extract resulted in decreased tumour burden and tumour incidence and a delay in the onset of mammary tumour in Wistar rats. The alcoholic extract of the leaf stalk is reported to show antispermatogenic and antiandrogenic effect in male albino rats. The essential oil exhibited hypotensive, cardiac as well as respiratory depressant and cardiotonic properties. The leaf showed antifungal and antibacterial activity. The antiseptic activity is attributed to chavicol. (Indian Medicinal Plants - an illustrated dictionary)
Siddha Uses: Cayittiyam, Iya noy, Muttottam
Asthmatic bronchitis, stomach discomfort (Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants)
249 Published articles on Piper betle