Family: Euphorbiaceae

Common Names: Candle Nut, Candleberry, Indian walnut, Kemiri, Varnish tree, Kukui nut tree
Hindi: जंगली आख़रोट Jangli akhrot, अख़रोट Akhrot
Kannada: Akroda, Natakrodu, Arkod, Naadu aakrotu
Malayalam: Akrottu, Akshotam, Karankolam, Vadam
Marathi: रामाखरोट Ramakrot, अखरोड Akhod, Japhala, Ranakot
Oriya: Akshota
Sanskrit: Akharota, Akhota, Akshota, Asphotaka, Gudashaya
Tamil: நாட்டு அகரொட்டு Nattu akrottu, Woodooga
Telugu: Uduga, Natu akrotu
Description: It is a tree which grows to a height of 18m and a girth of 50 cm. It grows in the geographic area spanning Malaysia and the Pacific Islands. When cut, the bark exudes a clear watery sap. The stems, petioles, and blades are covered with a whitish starry tomentum. Leaves: simple, spiral and without stipules. The petiole is 11.5 cm–15 cm and thin. The blade is lanceolate, rigid, 3–5-lobed, 7.8 cm × 4 cm–12.5 cm × 16.2 cm and marked at the base with a pair of 1mm diameter, disc-shaped glands. The margin is recurved. The nervations are raised on both surfaces of the blade which shows 6–7 pairs of secondary nerves. The inflorescences are terminal panicles.The calyx is 2.5mm long, 2–3-lobed and covered with a whitish starry tomentum. The corolla is 1.3 cm across.
Folk Medicinal Uses: Amenorrhea, Traumatic hemorrhage. Adverse effects: Toxic; not for use in pregnancy. [International Collation of Traditional and Folk Medicine. Part-IV]
Antifeedant, Aperient, Aphrodisiac, Cardiotonic,; Carminative, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Hematonic,; Laxative, Piscicide, Stimulant.
Indications — Arthrosis, Asthma, Bleeding, Constipation,; Diarrhea, Dysentery, Edema, Fever, Gas,; Gonorrhea, Headache, Hematochezia, Hemorrhoid,Hydrophobia, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Sore, Sprue, Swelling, Tumor, Ulcer.
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects — Toxic and irritant. Seeds dangerous to eat [Handbook of Medicinal Herbs]
Seed-oil is slightly purgative and also a drying substance (siccative) [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)]
Young leaves taken internally for children’s fever and convulsions. [Samoan Medicinal Plants]
47 Published articles of Aleurites triloba / Aleurites moluccana