Family: Acanthaceae
Synonyms: Acanthus ciliaris Burm.f. , Acanthus maderaspatensis L. , Blepharis abyssinica Hochst. ex A.Rich. , Blepharis boerhaviifolia Pers. , Blepharis boerhaviifolia Roth , Blepharis boerhaviifolia var. maderaspatensis (L.) Nees , Blepharis boerhaviifolia var. micrantha Sond. , Blepharis boerhaviifolia var. nigronervulosa De Wild. & T.Durand , Blepharis breviciliata Fiori , Blepharis calaminthifolia Pers. , Blepharis gueinzi T.Anderson , Blepharis maderaspatensis var. abyssinica Fiori , Blepharis maderaspatensis subsp. maderaspatensis , Blepharis maderaspatensis subsp. rubiifolia (Schumach.) Napper , Blepharis procumbens B.Heyne ex Roth , Blepharis procurrens Nees , Blepharis rubiifolia Schumach. , Blepharis teaguei Oberm. , Blepharis togodelia Solms ex Schweinf.
Common name: Creeping Blepharis
Hindi: दूधिया चोटी Dudhiya choti, Uttagana
Kannada: Kodali soppu
Malayalam: Murikootipacha, Elumbotti, Hemakandi
Tamil: Kooravaalchedi, Kooravaal Chedi, Kozhimookkan
Description: Prostrate herbs. Leaves ternate, unequal, 3-5 x 2 cm, obovate, apex apiculate, puberulus, margins distantly serrate; petiole to 3 cm. Flowers axillary; bracts 4 pairs, obovate, margins dentate with stiff elongated hairs, bracteoles 1.5 cm, spathulate; outer calyx lobes 1.3 cm and 1.8 cm, oblong, 2 and 3 veined, inner 8 mm; corolla tube urceolate, 5 mm, lower lip reduced, upper lip 3 lobed, 18 x 12 mm, white with pink nerves; filaments 4 and 5 mm, anthers 1-celled, apiculate, bearded; ovary 2.5 mm, oblong, style 1 cm, with a basal ring.
Uses: Plant ash for dropsy, swellings, edema, gout; dry alcoholic extract of the plant a potent diuretic; plant parts crushed mixed with sheep milk given for venereal diseases. Leaf juice in throat troubles and asthma; leaves ground with egg and onion and applied for bone fracture; leaf paste applied on wounds. Veterinary medicine, leaves ground with egg and onion and applied for bone fracture. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Hindi: दूधिया चोटी Dudhiya choti, Uttagana
Kannada: Kodali soppu
Malayalam: Murikootipacha, Elumbotti, Hemakandi
Tamil: Kooravaalchedi, Kooravaal Chedi, Kozhimookkan
Description: Prostrate herbs. Leaves ternate, unequal, 3-5 x 2 cm, obovate, apex apiculate, puberulus, margins distantly serrate; petiole to 3 cm. Flowers axillary; bracts 4 pairs, obovate, margins dentate with stiff elongated hairs, bracteoles 1.5 cm, spathulate; outer calyx lobes 1.3 cm and 1.8 cm, oblong, 2 and 3 veined, inner 8 mm; corolla tube urceolate, 5 mm, lower lip reduced, upper lip 3 lobed, 18 x 12 mm, white with pink nerves; filaments 4 and 5 mm, anthers 1-celled, apiculate, bearded; ovary 2.5 mm, oblong, style 1 cm, with a basal ring.
Uses: Plant ash for dropsy, swellings, edema, gout; dry alcoholic extract of the plant a potent diuretic; plant parts crushed mixed with sheep milk given for venereal diseases. Leaf juice in throat troubles and asthma; leaves ground with egg and onion and applied for bone fracture; leaf paste applied on wounds. Veterinary medicine, leaves ground with egg and onion and applied for bone fracture. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
10 Published articles of Blepharis maderaspatensis