Family: Malvaceae
Synonyms: Urena americana L., Urena americana L. f., Urena diversifolia Schumach., Urena grandiflora DC., Urena lobata var. americana (L.) Gürke, Urena lobata subsp. lobata, Urena lobata var. lobata, Urena lobata var. tomentosa (Blume) Walp., Urena lobata var. trilobata (Vell.) Gürke, Urena monopetala Lour., Urena reticulata Cav., Urena tomentosa Blume, Urena trilobata Vell.
- Common name: Burr Mallow, Caesar weed, Congo jute, hibiscus burr, pink burr, pink Chinese burr, urena burr
- Bahasa Indonesia: Pulutan
- Bengali: বনওকড়া
- Chinese: 消风草
- French: Congo Jute
- German: Kongojute
- Hindi: bachita, gataya, लपेटवां lapetua, unga
- Kannada: ಒತ್ತೆ otte
- Konkani: tupkate
- Malayalam: uram, uren, vatto, ഊർപ്പണം
- Manipuri: সমপাকপী sampakpi
- Marathi: वन भेंडी van bhendi, जंगलीकापशी jungli-kapashi
- Oriya: नालु कुरों nalu kuro
- Sanskrit: अतिबल atibala, बल bala
- Tamil: துத்திப்பூண்டுவகை thuththippuntuvakai, ஒட்டுத்துத்தி ottuttutti
- Telugu: నల్ల బెండ nalla benda, పెడ్డబెండ peddabhenda
- Thai: ขี้ครอก
Used in Ayurveda and Sidha. Whole plant paste applied for the treatment of rheumatic pains; twigs or stem cuttings used as tooth brush for healthy gums. The flowers, together with those of Sida rhombifolia, mixed with coconut flesh and eaten as a remedy for chickenpox; flowers heated over fire and applied to sores, to open and draw out the infection; flowers included in treatment for mental disorders and in oral remedies for fevers. Leaves used to treat burns, scalds, heat, hangover, fever; tender leaves poultice applied to wounds and cuts; pounded leaves boiled in coconut oil applied to treat wounds, cuts; for swelling and bone fracture a paste of fresh leaves is applied; leaves of Urena lobata along with vela men root of Vanda roxburghii prepared into a paste applied for skin diseases. Leaf tea diuretic, for flu and stomachache, colds, cough, heat; leaf juice applied as eye drop in con junctivitis. Root diuretic, an infusion in postpartum; roots of Sida rhombifolia, Urena lobata, Elaeagnus caudata and stem bark and roots of Bixa orellana and Randia dumetorum pounded together and boiled in water, the extract taken to cure jaundice; a decoction of roots of Dillenia indica with roots of Ficus auriculata and Urena lobata given in discharge of blood in urine; a decoction of rhizome of Curcuma aro matica with roots of Urena lobata and leaves of Tolypanthus involucratus given to expel catarrh; roots and leaves used to cure diarrhea; root powder given with milk in dog bite; root extract an external application in rheumatic pains, cuts and wounds; for snakebite, chew the root with betel and spit onto the wound. Veterinary medicine, a paste of leaves and coco nut oil smeared on wounds of cattle as insect repellent; leaves paste applied on wounds as an antidote to tiger bite; root tied to the neck of the cattle along with root of Stephania hernan difolia against maggots infection of ulcers. [Used in Ayurveda and Sidha. Whole plant paste applied for the treatment of rheumatic pains; twigs or stem cuttings used as tooth brush for healthy gums. The flowers, together with those of Sida rhombifolia, mixed with coconut flesh and eaten as a remedy for chickenpox; flowers heated over fire and applied to sores, to open and draw out the infection; flowers included in treatment for mental disorders and in oral remedies for fevers. Leaves used to treat burns, scalds, heat, hangover, fever; tender leaves poultice applied to wounds and cuts; pounded leaves boiled in coconut oil applied to treat wounds, cuts; for swelling and bone fracture a paste of fresh leaves is applied; leaves of Urena lobata along with vela men root of Vanda roxburghii prepared into a paste applied for skin diseases. Leaf tea diuretic, for flu and stomachache, colds, cough, heat; leaf juice applied as eye drop in con junctivitis. Root diuretic, an infusion in postpartum; roots of Sida rhombifolia, Urena lobata, Elaeagnus caudata and stem bark and roots of Bixa orellana and Randia dumetorum pounded together and boiled in water, the extract taken to cure jaundice; a decoction of roots of Dillenia indica with roots of Ficus auriculata and Urena lobata given in discharge of blood in urine; a decoction of rhizome of Curcuma aro matica with roots of Urena lobata and leaves of Tolypanthus involucratus given to expel catarrh; roots and leaves used to cure diarrhea; root powder given with milk in dog bite; root extract an external application in rheumatic pains, cuts and wounds; for snakebite, chew the root with betel and spit onto the wound. Veterinary medicine, a paste of leaves and coco nut oil smeared on wounds of cattle as insect repellent; leaves paste applied on wounds as an antidote to tiger bite; root tied to the neck of the cattle along with root of Stephania hernan difolia against maggots infection of ulcers.]
Used in Pneumonia, rheumatism, fevers, wounds, malaria, colds, dysentery, enteritis, goiter, indigestion, coughs, leukorrhea, rheumatism, tonsillitis, respiratory diseases. [Handbook of African Medicinal Plants, Second Edition]
Whole plant boiled in sesamum oil is applied externally on rheumatic pains by the tribals in Western Maharashtra. Modern Use : Roots are externally used as embrocation in rheumatism. [Herbal Cures: Traditional Approach]
Root—diuretic, emollient, antispasmodic (roots and stem used in severe windy colic), antirheumatic. Flowers—used as a pectoral and expectorant in dry and inveterate coughs. An infusion is used as a gargle for aphthae amd sore throat. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
This plant is used to make tea for colds and is also employed by the poorer people for washing greasy
dishes. Among the older writers we find Lindley speaking of the use of the flowers as an expectorant for "dry and inveterate coughs". Like other members of the Malvaceae it is mucilaginous and the seeds contain urease and fat. In tropical South America it provides a sedative and in Brazil a root and stem decoction is a treatment for colic. [ Medicinal Plants of Jamaica]
Used to treat “lining cold” (puerperal fever) in NW Guyana. Flower: Employed in French Guiana in a gargle used to remedy angina and aphthae. Emollient. In Guyana, boiled to make a tea used to remedy urinary tract problems, morning sickness and colds. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)]
Dysentery, vaginal discharge, antitoxic; alleviates pain, flu, fever, appendicitis, stomach diseases [Taiwanese Native Medicinal Plants: Phytopharmacology and Therapeutic Values]
103 Published articles of Urena lobata