Family: Plantaginaceae
- Assamese : Katki, Kutki
- Chinese: Hu Huang Lian
- English : Hellebore
- Gujrati : Kadu, Katu
- Hindi : Kutki
- Kannada : Katuka rohini, katuka rohini
- Malayalam : Kaduk rohini, Katuka rohini
- Marathi : Kutki, Kalikutki
- Nepali: कुट्की
- Oriya : Katuki
- Punjabi : Karru, kaur
- Sanskrit : Katuka katurohini
- Tamil: Kadugu-rohini
- Telugu: కటుక రోహిణి katuka-rohini
- Thai: โกฐก้านพร้าว
Used in Ayurveda. Tonic, bitter, stomachic, cathartic, ant allergic, anti-anaphylactic, blood purifier, diuretic, hepatoprotective, used for fevers, cold, cough, liver diseases, diarrhea, dyspepsia, to stimulate the immune system, and also applied in scorpion bites. Used as cooling cardio tonic, antipyretic, antiperiodic, for jaundice, indigestion and common fever. Dried roots used orally in malarial fever, abdominal pain, liver complaints, anemia and jaundice; root extract given in cough, colds and fever; root decoction in jaundice, stomachache; paste of roots mixed with sugar and flower of saffron to cure dyspepsia and dysentery. Roots and stems chewed to relieve cough. Rhizomes used for children’s stomach troubles known as juka. Veterinary medicine, much valued for horse diseases. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Used orally to treat fever, immune disorders and skin diseases. While two studies have suggested a possible role of the rhizome for the treatment of bronchial asthma and viral hepatitis [WHO MONOGRHAPS MEDICINE PLANTS]
Used orally to treat fever, immune disorders and skin diseases. While two studies have suggested a possible role of the rhizome for the treatment of bronchial asthma and viral hepatitis [WHO MONOGRHAPS MEDICINE PLANTS]
200 Published articles of Picrorhiza kurroa