Family: Solanaceae
Synonym: Solanum adulterinum Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.
Common name: Big Eggplant, Mullein Nightshade, China flowerleaf, Potato tree, Wild Tobacco tree
Garo: khimkha nagong
Hindi: Akra, बन तमाखू Ban tamakhu
Kannada: kadusonde, kallarthi, savudangi
Khasi: dieng sohmon niangkodong
Malayalam: chunta, erichunta, malanjunta,
Manipuri: লম খামেন Lam khamen
Marathi: कुत्री kutri
Oriya: vidari
Sanskrit: gandira, pathi, priyamkari, vidari
Tamil: karimulli, mulkathari, sundai, ஆனைச்சுண்டை Anai-c-cuntai, சுண்டை, மலைச்சுண்டை Malai-c-cuntai
Telugu: budama, rasagadi, pittu
Chinese: 假烟叶树
Indonesian: Terung teter
Thai: ฝ่าแป้ง
Vietnamese: Ngoi
Description: An erect shrub from 120-150 cm or more tall. Young shoots and branchlets dense stellate-tomentose with yellowish-white indument. Leaves 8-25 x 4-9.5 cm, elliptic-ovate, acute to acuminate, stellately tomentose, cuneate, under surface (in dried state) lighter coloured. Petiole 20-30 (-40) mm long. Flowers 15-25 in number, in dense terminal and axillary corymbose cymes, white. Peduncle up to 90 mm long, ± stout. Calyx ± cupular, tomentose; lobes c. 3 mm long, acute, slightly enlarged in fruit. Corolla slightly exceeding the calyx; limb 14-16 mm broad, lobes 4.5 mm long, acute. Anthers oblong, 4-5 mm long; filaments 1.5 mm long, glabrous. Style glabrous. Ovary glabrescent. Berry globose, 8-10 mm broad, yellow. Seeds ± discoid, minutely reticulate
Roots—a decoction is prescribed for vertigo. Leaves— prescribed for vaginal discharges. Various plant parts are ground with warm water and applied externally to lessen inflammation, burning sensation and pain. The glycoalkaloid, solasonine is present in the leaves and fruits. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Roots—a decoction is prescribed for vertigo. Leaves— prescribed for vaginal discharges. Various plant parts are ground with warm water and applied externally to lessen inflammation, burning sensation and pain. The glycoalkaloid, solasonine is present in the leaves and fruits. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
16 Published articles of Solanum erianthum