Family: Fabaceae
Synonyms: Corallodendron suberosum (Roxb.) Kuntze, Erythrina alba Wight & Arn., Erythrina glabrescens (Prain) R.Parker, Erythrina maxima Wight & Arn., Erythrina stricta var. suberosa (Roxb.) Niyomdham, Erythrina suberosa var. glabrescens Prain, Erythrina suberosa var. sublobata Roxb. ex Haines, Erythrina sublobata Roxb., Micropteryx suberosa (Roxb.) Walp., Micropteryx sublobata (Roxb.) Walp.
- Hindi: धौलदाक dauldak, मदार Madar, Pangra
- Tamil: Mullumurungu, கிஞ்சுகம் Kincukam, முருக்கு மரம் murukku maram
- Malayalam: Mullumurukku, Nimbataru, Paribhadram
- Telugu: బలభద్రిక Balabhadrika
- Kannada: Halivana, Keechige, Mandara
- Bengali: রক্তমন্দার Raktamandar
- Konkani: Pangar
- Sanskrit: मन्दार mandara, पारिभद्र paribhadra
- Nepali: फलेदो Phaledo
Description: Erect tree, 13-17 in tall, branches armed with prickles. 3-6 mm long, which fall off after the third year. Leaf sometimes armed, trifoliolate, petiole 10-20 cm long, leaflets 7.5-15 cm long and broad, the terminal rhomboid ovate, the lateral obliquely deltoid, glabrous above, densely pubescent below; stipels glanduliform; stipules linear-lanceolate, caducous. Racemes 14, near the tip of branches, 5-10 cm long, peduncle short. Flowers in fascicles of 1-3. Pedicel 12-13 mm long; bracts caducous, bracteoles minute. Calyx 6-10 mm long, pubescent, becoming bilabiate. Corolla scarlet. Vexillum 3.7-5.0 cm long, 12-16 mm broad. Fruit stipitate, 12.5-15.0 cm long, torulose, 2-5-seeded.
Used in Siddha. Seed poisonous if ingested. Leaves paste cathartic, diuretic, antiseptic, antiinflammatory, applied on swellings and boils. Veterinary medicine, stem bark ash mixed with coconut oil and applied on blisters and wounds in cattle to remove maggots; ash of dried bark mixed with coconut oil applied on wound of neck of cattle as antiseptic; bark decoction applied on swelling or injuries to hump of cattle. Stem bark as fish poison. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Used in Siddha. Seed poisonous if ingested. Leaves paste cathartic, diuretic, antiseptic, antiinflammatory, applied on swellings and boils. Veterinary medicine, stem bark ash mixed with coconut oil and applied on blisters and wounds in cattle to remove maggots; ash of dried bark mixed with coconut oil applied on wound of neck of cattle as antiseptic; bark decoction applied on swelling or injuries to hump of cattle. Stem bark as fish poison. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
30 Published articles of Erythrina suberosa