Family: Brassicaceae
Common name: Wards Weed, Cress Rocket
Hebrew: כפיות שעירות
Arabic: ام قرين
Erect herb 5–40 cm high with reflexed bristly hairs, branching basally, decumbent.
Leaves 2–3-pinnatisect, the lobes linear to obtuse; petiolate.
Raceme 10–30 mm long. Sepals c. 4 mm long. Petals 8–9 mm long, yellow, purple-veined. Silicula 6–7 mm long, pendent on pedicel 2–3 mm long; beak 3–4 mm long, c. 3 mm wide, spoon-like; valves c. 3 mm long, 3–4 mm wide, 3-veined; seeds 3 or 4 per loculus.
11 Published articles of Carrichtera annua