Family: Fabaceae
Synonym: Vicia sylvatica Benth., Vicia longidentata Z.D. Xia
Chinese: 野豌豆, 察隅野豌豆, 长齿野豌豆
Description: Annual herb, stem pilose. Leaf paripinnately compound, leaflets 14-23, opposite, subopposite to alternate, 7-25 mm long, 4-9 mm broad, oblong-lanceolate; mucronate, glabrous to subglabrous above, pilose below; stipules 7-15 mm long, divided; tendrils branched or unbranched. Inflorescence an axillary peduncled raceme, peduncle 5-15 cm long, pedicel 1.5-3.0 mm long. Calyx 7 mm long, upper teeth c. 1 mm, lateral c. 3 mm and lower tooth 4-5 mm long. Corolla pale-lilac. Vexillum c. 12 mm long. Fruit 40-42 mm long, 8-8.5 mm broad, glabrous; stipe 4-5 mm long.
Uses: Paste of leaves applied to treat cuts and wounds. Tender fruits cooked as vegetable. (CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants)
Published articles of Vicia bakeri