Family Araceae
Synonyms: Arum fornicatum Roxb., Colocasia fornicata (Roxb.) Kunth
Description: "Perennial herbs; stem erect, to 10 cm long. Leaves 2-5 together; 30-44 x 20-25 cm, ovate, apex acute, shortly peltate, proximal lobes triangular, acute, nerves to 8 pairs, lowest pair bear the lateral nerves of basal lobes, intercostae regular, parallel; petiole to 45 cm long, canaliculate, slender, base sheathing. Peduncle 2-4 together, to 40 cm long, slender; spathe yellow, 12-14 cm long, tubular part 5 cm long, limb ovate, acuminate to the apex; spadix 10-12 cm long, pistillate lower part 1.5 cm long, sterile middle portion 2 cm long, staminate part 2 cm long and appendix 6 cm long."
3 Published articles of Alocasia fornicata