Family: Boraginaceae
Synonym: Borago indica L., Boraginella indica (L.) Kuntze
Common name: Indian borage
Gujarati: undhanphuli
Hindi: छोठा कल्प chhota kalpa
Kannada: ಕಟ್ಟೆತುಮ್ಬೆಸೊಪ್ಪು ? katthetumbesoppu
Malayalam: കിലുക്കാംതുമ്പ kilukkamthumpa
Marathi: छोटा कल्प chota kalpa
Nepalese: कनिके कुरों kanike kuro, ओनमोडिया झयाङ oonmodia-jhyang, उन्मुन्ती unmunti
Sanskrit: अधःपुष्पि adhahpuspi, Adhomukha, Gandhapushpika, Andhaka
Tamil: அதொமுகி ato-muki, கழுதைத்தும்பை kalutai-t-tumpai, கவிழ்தும்பை kaviltumpai, Kalhudaitumbai.
Telugu: గువ్వగుత్తి guvvagutti
Other local names: Tuwi Tor, Kulpha, Andhaahuli
Uses: Leaf paste for Scabies [Herbal Cures: Traditional Approach]
Ayurvedic uses: Diuretic, emollient, febrifuge. Leaf—depurative. Root— anti-inflammatory, astringent, antidysenteric. Pounded and applied to swelling of joints.
Flower—sudorific and pectoral. The seeds gave linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids. Hexacosane, ethylhexacosanoate, 21,24-hexacosadienoic acid ethylester have been isolated from the leaves.
19 Published articles of Trichodesma indicum