Family: Solanaceae
Synonym: Solanum laxum Spreng.

Common name: Potato Vine
Manipuri: Morok lei
German: Jasminblütiger Nachtschatten
French: Morelle faux jasmin
Dutch: Klimmende nachtschade
Finnish: Köynnöskoiso
Swedish: Stjärnsöta
Chinese: 素馨叶白英
The ovate or ovate-lanceolate leaves are 30 to 50 mm long and 15 to 25 mm wide. The white or pale blue flowers appear in groups of around 20 in branched inflorescences, produced in profusion in the spring but also sporadically at other times of the year. These are followed by dark blue or black berries that are around 8 mm in diameter.
35 Published articles of Solanum jasminoides