Family: Oleaceae
Synonyms: Jasminum affine Wight, Jasminum mucronatum Rchb. ex Baker, Jasminum ovalifolium Wight, Jasminum trifoliatum (Lam.) Pers, Mogorium trifoliatum Lam. , Jasminum auriculatum var. glabrior Haines

Bengali: Juthi, Jooin যুথি / জুঁই
Hindi: Juhi-जूही
Tamil: உச்சி மல்லிகை Uccimalligai, Usimalligai ஊஸிமல்லிகை
Telugu: అడవి మల్లె Adavimalle, కొండ మల్లి konda malli
Oriya: Banamallika
Malayalam: Sucimulla
Kannada: ಸನ್ನ ಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ Sanna mallige
Marathi: Jai
Sanskrit: यूथिका Yuthika, मगधि Magadhi
Thai: พุทธชาด
Ayurvedic uses: The leaves gave lupeol, its epimer, hentriacontane and n-tricantanol, a triterpenoid, jasminol; d-mannitol; volatile constituent, jasmone. The pin type pointed flower buds (long styled) on solvent extraction yielded higher concrete content rich in indole and methyl anthranilate, whereas thrum type (short styled) buds yield higher absolute with benzyl acetate as the prominent constituent. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Wound healing activity.
18 Published articles of Jasminum auriculatum