Indigofera astragalina DC.
Family: Fabaceae
Synonym: Indigofera hirsuta sensu auct.
Common name: Silky Indigo
Hindi: Dagadia
Marathi: रानमेथी Ranmethi, फुलझडी Phuljhadi
Description: "Densely hairy herbs; stems woody. Leaflets 7-9 pairs, to 3 x 1 cm, elliptic, acute, stipules lanceolate; stipels filiform. Racemes to 4 cm long, axillary. Flowers densely arranged, 8 mm long, shortly pedicelled; calyx 8 mm long, lobes linear; petals pink, glabrous. Pods 1.5 x 0.3 cm, 4-angular, densely hairy; seeds cubical, black, pitted.
Uses: Plant astringent, used for diarrhea. Roots for toothache, a decoction for cough; root powder for pain in the chest. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
4 Published articles of Indigofera astragalina