Family: Didiereaceae
Synonyms: Claytonia portulacaria (L.) L., Crassula portulacaria L. , Portulacaria afra f. macrophylla H.Jacobsen, Portulacaria afra f. microphylla H.Jacobsen, Portulacaria afra f. variegata H.Jacobsen, Portulacaria portulacaria (L.) Graebn.
Afrikaans: spekboom
Arabic: رجلة الصبار
Chinese: 樹馬齒莧
Finnish: Pensasportulakka
Persian: پورتولاکاریا افرا
Description: It is a soft-wooded, semi-evergreen upright shrub or small tree, usually 2.5–4.5 metres (8–15 ft) tall. Similar in appearance to the "jade plant" Crassula ovata (family Crassulaceae), P. afra has smaller and rounder pads and more compact growth (shorter internodal spaces, down to 1.5 mm). It is much hardier, faster growing, more loosely branched, and has more limber tapering branches than Crassula once established.
32 Published articles of Portulacaria afra