Family: Rubiaceae
Synonyms: Ixora indica (L.) Baill. , Ixora nunypapata Roxb. ex Wight & Arn. , Ixora paniculata Lam. , Ixora pavetta Roxb. , Ixora roxburghii Kuntze , Ixora velutina Wall. , Pavetta alba Vahl , Pavetta brunonis Wight , Pavetta cerniflora Zipp. ex Span. , Pavetta indica var. glabra Blatt. & Hallb. , Pavetta indica var. indica , Pavetta obtusa Pers. , Pavetta thomsonii Bremek.
Common name: Indian Pavetta, Indian Pellet Shrub
Assamese: Sam-suku
Bengali: Jui
Hindi: Kankara, Kathachampa
Indonesia: Angsoka
Kannada: Pavati
Malayalam: മല്ലികമുട്ടി Mallikamutti
Manipuri: Nongmangkha Ashinba
Marathi: Papat
Oriya: Paniphingi
Sanskrit: Kakachdi
Sinhala: පාවට්ටා
Tamil: Kattukkaranai, Karanai
Telugu: Papidi
Habit: Large shrub or small trees up to 4 m tall.
Trunk\bark: Bark grey, smooth and irreuarly scaly when mature; blaze greenish cream
Branchlets: Young branchlets angular, terete when mature, glabrous.
Leaves: Leaves simple, opposite, decussate; stipules broadly lanceolate, intrapetiolar, sheathing, caducous and leaving scar; petioles 0.6-1.5 cm long, planoconvex in cross section, glabrous; lamina 8.5-16.5 × 2.6-5 cm, variable in shape, elliptic or obovate or oblanceoalte, apex caudate-acumiante, base attenuate, margin entire, prominently glandular between secondary nerves, glabrous beneath; midrib raised above; secondary nerves 6-12 pairs; tertiary nerves broadly reticulate.
Flowers: Inflorescence corymbose cymes, terminal; flowers white; pedicel ca. 0.7 cm long.
Fruit& seed: Berry, with 2 pyrenes; seeds one per pyrene.
Antiasthmatic, expectorant, astringent, antidiarrhoeal [Medicinal Plants Kerala Ag Uni]
Used in Ayurveda and Siddha. Leaves for poulticing boils to remove pus; leaves decoction used externally for piles. Crushed root bark, with rice water and ginger, taken as a diuretic and for dropsy; root, root bark or stem bark used for intestinal obstructions. Root diuretic, purgative, tonic, used in intestinal obstructions, intestinal disorders, dysentery, jaundice, headache, toothache, urinary diseases and dropsy; roots decoction as a postpartum remedy. Veterinary medicine, stem bark paste applied to maggot-infected sores.
Root—bitter and aperient. Prescribed in visceral obstructions, renal dropsy and ascites. Leaves—used for fomenting piles and for haemorrhoidal pains. [Indian Medicinal Plants - Ayurveda]
13 Published articles of Pavetta indica