Family: Ranunculaceae
- Common name: Jadwar
- Arabic: عائق مكتشف
- Hindi: Jadwar, Judwar, Nirbishi, Nirbisi, Nirvisi
- Kannada: nirvishi
- Malayalam: nirvasi
- Marathi: nirvishi
- Nepali: निरबिशी Nirbishi
- Sanskrit: apavisha, avisa, avisha, nirvisa, nirvisha
- Tamil: nirbasi
- Urdu: jadwa, jadwaar, Khataai, Maatiryaaq.
Used in Ayurveda and Unani. Whole plant juice applied on cuts for immediate relief and healing. Roots bitter, febrifuge, anthelmintic, diuretic, antiinflammatory, carminative, vulnerary, stimulant, alterative, aphrodisiac, cardiotonic, tonic, cooling, digestive, used in fever, insanity, jaundice, strangury, obesity, skin diseases, ulcers, respiratory complaints, catarrh, cold, cough, asthma, toothache; dried roots chewed as stimulant; a water-paste of the roots applied on ulcers; roots powder for killing lice; roots pressed between teeth to get relief from toothache. Seeds used for the treatment of skin eruptions. Veterinary medicine, roots for killing ticks and lice in domestic animals; antidote in case of poisoning caused by Aconitum ferox. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Root—astringent, vulnerary, deobstruent, alterative. Used for painful piles, muscular atrophy, gout and as a nervine tonic. Also used as an adulterant for aconite. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
39 Published articles of Delphinium denudatum