Family: Nymphaeaceae
- Common name: Blue water lily, Blue lotus of India
- Bengali: Nil-sapla
- Chinese: 延药睡莲
- Deutsch: Stern-Seerose
- Finnish: Tähtilumme
- Hindi: Neelkamal नीलकमल
- Kannada: Nyadalehuvu
- Malayalam: Vellampel
- Manipuri: থরিক থরো Thariktharo
- Nepali: आफ्वः
- Persian: نیلوفر آبی ستارهای
- Russian: Звёздный лотос
- Swedish: Stjärnlotus
- Tamil: நீலாம்பல் Neelambal, நெய்தல் மலர் neithal malar
- Thai: บัวเผื่อน
- Vietnamese: susng lam
Description: Rhizomatous auatic herbs. rhizomes often producing long runners. Leaves alternate, elliptic or orbicular, elliptic-sagitate when young, entire or irregularly sinuate at margin, rounded-acute at apex, (6-) 10-35(-45) x (5-) 8-28(-40) cm, reddish purple beneath; main nerves 7-15, palmate; midnerve grooved above, prominently angled beneath; secondary nerves 4-7 pairs, slightly grooved above; petioles terete, 2-5 mm thick, glabrous. Flowers 6-14 cm across, slightly fragrant. Sepals lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 2.5-7.5 x 0.7-2.5 cm, green, streaked purple outside. Petals 8-15, elliptic-lanceolate, 2.5-6 x 0.5-1.2 cm, mauve. Stamens 20-60, yellow; outer ones 1.5-2.5 cm long; the inner shorter; connective appendages 1.5-3 mm long; anthers 0.5-1.5 cm long. Ovary urceolate, sunken, 10-20 loculed; ovules numerous on superficial placentae; stigmas 8-20, radiating, connate at base. Fruits globose, 1.5-3.5 cm, with remnants of sepals, petals and stamens; seeds ellipsoid-globose, 8-10 mm long, vertically fine-lined, ciliate on ribs, becoming glabrate with growth of aril.
12 Published articles of Nymphaea nouchali