Family: Phyllanthaceae
Synonyms: Diasperus lawii (J.Graham) Kuntze, Diasperus nemorum (Russell ex Müll.Arg.) Kuntze, Phyllanthus juniperinoides Müll.Arg., Phyllanthus nemorum Russell ex Müll.Arg., Phyllanthus polyphyllus Dalzell & A.Gibson, Phyllanthus spinulosus B.Heyne ex Wall.
Description: Shrubs, or small trees, 2-3 m tall. Bark smooth and brown. Foliar branches 4-8 cm long, horizontal; short hooked spines are on either side of leafy branchlets. Leaves alternate; lamina 3-5 × 2-2.5 mm, distichous, overlapping, linear-oblong, rounded at the apex, often apiculate, base rounded or subcordate, subsessile; nerves obscure; stipules 1.2 mm long, purplish, lanceolate-subulate. Flowers white or pink, in axillary clusters and drooping on the adaxial side. Pedicels 3-6mm long. Sepals of male and female flowers 6; white, linear-oblong, obtuse in males; green with scaly margin, triangular, acute in female flowers. Stamens 3, the filaments united in a short column. Ovary 3 celled; styles 3, distinct, shortly and bluntly 2-fid, recurved. Capsules 4 mm in diameter, on a very short pedicel, globose, 6 angled, glabrous. Seeds 2-3 mm long, 3-gonous, rounded on the back, foveolate (Seed pits conspicuous).
Habitat & location: Found in hill side forests. Few plants are found at S.R.Puram- Porumamilla ghat.
As the images available with efi for Phyllanthus lawii and P.leischnaulti are not clear I am adding a few.
Published article of Phyllanthus lawii: