Common name: Putranjiva, Lucky Bean Tree
Bengali: Putranjiva, Jioysuta
Gujarati: પુત્રંજીવા Putranjiva
Hindi: Putijia, जियापोथा jiyapotha
Kannada: ಪುತ್ರಮ್ಜೀವ Putramjiva , ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಲೆ Menasinakale, Amani Putrajiva
Konkani: Saman
Malayalam: Pongalam, പുത്തിലഞ്ഞി Puththilanji
Marathi: Jivanputra, Patravanti
Oriya: Poilundia
Sanskrit: पुत्रंजीव: Putrajivah
Tamil: Irukolli, Karupala, புத்திரசீவி, கறிப்பாலை Kari-p-palai
Telugu: Kuduru, పుత్రజీవిక Putrajivika
Urdu: Paishandia
Used in Ayurveda and Sidha. Plant useful for women whose children died in uterus. Leaves and fruit for rheumatism, cold and fever. Dry fruits and seeds decoction given for cold, fever and rheumatism. Used in religion and magico-religious beliefs, said to increase fertility in women, for making conception; contact therapy, stones of the fruit strung together to form rosaries and used as a necklace to preserve children from harm; seeds worn as necklace by persons suffering from acute cough and cold; fruits used as necklace by a pregnant woman to prevent miscarriage; dried fruits in a garland used as necklace to cure skin allergy and itch. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Leaves, fruits and stones of fruits are given in colds and fevers, also in rheumatic affections. Rosaries, made of hard stones of the fruit, are placed around the necks of children to protect them from diseases. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Leaves, fruits and stones of fruits are given in colds and fevers, also in rheumatic affections. Rosaries, made of hard stones of the fruit, are placed around the necks of children to protect them from diseases. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
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