Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile sub sp. indica
Family: Fabaceae
Synonym: Acacia arabica (Lam.) Willd., Mimosa arabica
Common names: black piquant, black babul, gum arabic, Egyptian mimosa, Egyptian thorn, prickly acacia, Nile acacia, scented thorn, scented-pod acacia, Babula tree, Indian gum arabic tree
Assamese : Babala
Bengali: বাবলা babala
Gujarati: બાવળ baval, બાવળિયો bavaliyo, Baval, Kaloabaval
Hindi: बबूल babool, कीकर kikar, Babula, Babura
Kannada: ಗೊಬ್ಳಿ ಮರ gobli mara, ಕರಿಜಾಲಿ karijaali, Sharmeeruka, Kari Jail, Kari gobli, Pulai Jali
Kashmiri : Sak
Konkani: बाबुळ babul
Pakistan Sindh: Bhabhur
Malayalam: കരിവേലം karivelam, Velutha Karuvelan
Marathi: बाभूळ babhul, बाभळी babhali, बाभळ babhal, Babhul, Babhula
Oriya : Babula, Babala
Punjabi : Kikkar
Rajasthan: banvalia
Sanskrit: बब्बु babbul, बब्बूलः babbulaha, पङ्क्तिः panktiha, सोमवृक्ष somavriksha, तीक्ष्ण कण्टक tikshna kantaka, वर्वू varvu, वर्वुरः varvrurha, युग्मकण्ट yugmakanta, kinnirata, bavari
Tamil: கறுவேளை karuvelai, Karuvelan, Karuvel
Telugu: నల్లతుమ్మ nalla tumma, Thumma
Ayurvedic uses: Kasa, Krimiroga, Atisara
A plaster for setting a fracture might be made from COW'S milk mixed with barley (Hearst Papyrus 219) or acacia leaves (Acacia nilotica Desf.) mixed with gum and water [Egyptian Medicine]
Activities — Alexeteric, Algicide, Amebicide, Antibacterial, Antiedemic, Antihistaminic, Antiinflammatory, Antitussive, Aphrodisiac, Astringent, Decongestant, Demulcent, Expectorant, Hemostat, Hepatotonic, Hypoglycemic, Hypotensive, Lactagogue, Molluscicide, Neurostimulant, Protisticide, Stimulant, Taenicide, Teratologic, Tonic, Vermifuge. [Handbook of Medicinal Herbs]
Leaves for infertility in women, flowers for hepatitis and jaundice, bark for mouth blister and heat stroke. Leaves are used against infertility in women, flowers are used against hepatitis (Take fresh or dried 10-15g of flowers and grind them and add 1 glass of water and drink 3 glasses everday and repeat the same practice for 40 days), and bark is used against mouth blister, toothache, and heat stroke. Method of use for infertility in women: 3-5 grams of fresh leaves eaten in fasten for 15 days.[Medicinal Plants of Sindh Indigenous Knowledge and Scientific Facts by Atta-ur-Rahman et al]
Uses:- Leaves and bark are useful in dysentery, diarrhoea, gonorrhoea and piles. Gum s useful in fever, diabetes, diarrhoea, dysentery, cough and pyorrhoea. Pods are given in cough, diarrhoea and bronchitis. Leaves are given to pregnant women for white progeny. [Herbal Cures: Traditional Approach]
Active constituents: Tryptamine, tetrahydroharmane Saponins (genins are triterpenoids, echinocystic acid, etc.) Ethylgallate, flavonoids, Tannins [Medicinal plants in tropical West Africa]
Siddha uses: Cuta pun, Curam, Pal noy, Pittam
Compounds isolated: 3β-acetoxy-17β-hydroxy-androst-5-ene, 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxy benzoic acid and 3,4-dimethoxy-4-hydroxy benzoic acid (syringic acid). 3β-Acetoxy-17β-hydroxy-androst-5-ene . [Medicinal Plants of Sindh Indigenous Knowledge and Scientific Facts by Atta-ur-Rahman et al]
406 Published articles of Acacia nilotica