Syn: Plumeria rubra L. forma acutifolia (Poir.)
Family: Apocynaceae
Bengali - Frangipanni, Goburchampa, Kath champa
Burmese - Spanish jasmine, Taroksaga
Cambodian - Champei
Danish - Mexican frangipani, Pagodetræ
Filipino/Tagalog - Calasusi
French - Frangipanier
German - Frangipani
German - Roter Frangipani
Gujarati - Dolochampo, Rhada Champo
Hindi - Gulachin, Chameli or Gulechin
Javanese - Kamboja
Malay - Bunga kubur
Malayalam - Vellachampakam
Marathi – Sonchampa, Khera chapha or Pandhra chapha
Persian - Gulacin
Portuguese - Planta dos dentes
Sanskrit - Kishirachampa
Singhalese - Alariya
Sundanese - Kamoja
Tamil – Kallimandarai, Arali
Telugu - Vadaganneru
Thai - Champa lao
Urdu - Achin
Other names: Champa, Frangipani and Pagoda tree, Temple flower, Temple tree, Tree of life,
Uses / Activity: Anti-inflammatory and Wound-Healing Activities , Anti-oxidative and proteolytic activities and protein profile, Antimicrobial Activity, Anti-Inflammatory, Anthelmintic Activity, Hypolipidemic Effect, the lipase activity in hydrolysis and acyl transfer reactions, Embryo toxic effect, Local Anesthetic Activity
35 Published articles of Plumeria rubra1. A Protease Isolated from the Latex of Plumeria rubra Linn (Apocynaceae) 1: Purification and Characterization
Author(s): Chanda Indranil; Basu Sanat Kumar; Dutta Sadhan Kumar; et al.
Source: Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Pages: 705-711 DOI: 10.4314/tjpr.v10i6.2 Published: DEC 2011
2. A Protease Isolated from the Latex of Plumeria rubra Linn (Apocynaceae) 2: Anti-inflammatory and Wound-Healing Activities
Author(s): Chanda Indranil; Sarma Usha; Basu Sanat K.; et al.
Source: Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research Volume: 10 Issue: 6 Pages: 755-760 DOI: 10.4314/tjpr.v10i6.8 Published: DEC 2011
3. Anthocyanins from ornamental flowers of red frangipani, Plumeria rubra
Author(s): Byamukama Robert; Namukobe Jane; Jordheim Monica; et al.
Source: Scientia Horticulturae Volume: 129 Issue: 4 Pages: 840-843 DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2011.03.053 Published: JUL 27 2011
4. [Research of the essential oil of Plumeria rubra var. actifolia from Laos by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction].
Author(s): Xiao Xin-Yu; Cui Long-Hai; Zhou Xin-Xin; et al.
Source: Zhong yao cai = Zhongyaocai = Journal of Chinese medicinal materials Volume: 34 Issue: 5 Pages: 789-94 Published: 2011-May
5. Anti-oxidative and proteolytic activities and protein profile of laticifer cells of Cryptostegia grandiflora, Plumeria rubra and Euphorbia tirucalli
Author(s): de Freitas Cleverson D. T.; de Souza Diego P.; Araujo Eliane S.; et al.
Source: Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 11-22 Published: 2010
6. Minor Secondary Metabolic Products from the Stem Bark of Plumeria rubra Linn. Displaying Antimicrobial Activities
Author(s): Kuigoua Guy Merlin; Kouam Simeon F.; Ngadjui Bonaventure T.; et al.
Source: Planta Medica Volume: 76 Issue: 6 Pages: 620-625 DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240611 Published: APR 2010
7. Antioxidant and Hypolipidemic Effect of Plumeria Rubra L. in Alloxan Induced Hyperglycemic Rats
Author(s): Merina A. John; Sivanesan D.; Begum V. Hazeena; et al.
Source: E-Journal Of Chemistry Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-5 Published: JAN-MAR 2010
8. Anti-Inflammatory And Anthelmintic Activities Of Methanolic Extract Of Plumeria Rubra Leaves
Author(s): Rastogi Sameer; Rastogi Harshita; Singh Vijender
Source: Indian Journal of Natural Products Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Pages: 15-18 Published: DEC 2009
9. A New Iridoid Alkaloid from the Flowers of Plumeria rubra L. cv. acutifolia
Author(s): Ye Guan; Li Zhi-Xiong; Xia Guang-Xin; et al.
Source: Helvetica Chimica Acta Volume: 92 Issue: 12 Pages: 2790-2794 Published: 2009
10. Complete NMR spectral assignments of two new iridoid diastereoisomers from the flowers of Plumeria rubra L. cv. acutifolia
Author(s): Ye Guan; Yang Yan-ling; Xia Guang-xin; et al.
Source: Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry Volume: 46 Issue: 12 Pages: 1195-1197 DOI: 10.1002/mrc.2331 Published: DEC 2008
11. 15-demethylisoplumieride acid, a new iridoid isolated from the bark of Plumeria rubra and latex of Himatanthus sucuuba
Author(s): Barreto Alaide de Sa; Amaral Ana Claudia F.; Silva Jefferson Rocha de A.; et al.
Source: Quimica Nova Volume: 30 Issue: 5 Pages: 1133-1135 Published: SEP-OCT 2007
12. Comparison of the lipase activity in hydrolysis and acyl transfer reactions of two latex plant extracts from babaco (Vasconcellea x Heilbornii Cv.) and Plumeria rubra: Effect of the aqueous microenvironment
Author(s): Cambon E; Gouzou F; Pina M; et al.
Source: Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry Volume: 54 Issue: 7 Pages: 2726-2731 DOI: 10.1021/jf/052505k Published: APR 5 2006
13. Revision of the absolute configuration of plumericin and isoplumericin from Plumeria rubra
Author(s): Elsasser B; Krohn K; Akhtar MN; et al.
Source: Chemistry & Biodiversity Volume: 2 Issue: 6 Pages: 799-808 DOI: 10.1002/cbdv.200590058 Published: 2005
14. Temporal variation in endophyte assemblages of Plumeria rubra leaves
Author(s): Suryanarayanan TS; Thennarasan S
Source: Fungal Diversity Volume: 15 Pages: 197-204 Published: FEB 2004
15. Embryotoxic effect of Plumeria rubra
Author(s): Gunawardana V. K.; Goonasekera M. M.; Gunaherath G. M. K. B.; et al.
Source: Toxic plants and other natural toxicants Pages: 317-322 Published: 1998
16. Rubrinol, a new antibacterial triterpenoid from Plumeria rubra
Author(s): Akhtar Nargis; Malik Abdul; Ali Samina Noor; et al.
Source: Fitoterapia Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 162-166 Published: 1994
17. Oleanene Type Triterpenes From Plumeria-Rubra
Author(s): Akhtar N; Malik A
Source: Phytochemistry Volume: 32 Issue: 6 Pages: 1523-1525 DOI: 10.1016/0031-9422(93)85171-M Published: APR 1993
18. Organization of tissues giving shape to the follicle of Plumeria rubra L
Author(s): Thomas Vinoth; Dave Yash; Sebastian Mercymol
Source: Journal of Plant Anatomy and Morphology (Jodhpur) Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 26-33 Published: 1993
19. Volatile components of plumeria flowers part 2. Plumeria-rubra cultivar irma bryan
Author(s): Omata A; Nakamura S; Hashimoto S; et al.
Source: Flavour and Fragrance Journal Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-35 DOI: 10.1002/ffj.2730070108 Published: 1992
20. Traditional medicinal-plants of thailand .17. Biologically-active constituents of Plumeria-Rubra
Author(s): Hamburger Mo; Cordell Ga; Ruangrungsi N
Source: Journal Of Ethnopharmacology Volume: 33 Issue: 3 Pages: 289-292 DOI: 10.1016/0378-8741(91)90091-Q Published: JUL 1991
21. Volatile components of plumeria flowers part 1. Plumeria-rubra-acutifolia poir. Woodson cultivar common yellow
Author(s): OMATA A; YOMOGIDA K; NAKAMURA S; et al.
Source: Flavour and Fragrance Journal Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 277-280 DOI: 10.1002/ffj.2730060407 Published: 1991
22. Studies on indonesian medicinal-plants .2. Cytotoxic constituents of the bark of plumeria-rubra collected in indonesia
Source: JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS Volume: 53 Issue: 6 Pages: 1447-1455 DOI: 10.1021/np50072a008 Published: NOV-DEC 1990
Source: PHYTOCHEMISTRY Volume: 29 Issue: 9 Pages: 2995-2997 DOI: 10.1016/0031-9422(90)87121-A Published: 1990
24. Plumerinine - A Novel Lupin Alkaloid From Plumeria-Rubra
Author(s): KAZMI SN; AHMED Z; AHMED W; et al.
Source: HETEROCYCLES Volume: 29 Issue: 10 Pages: 1901-1906 Published: OCT 1 1989
25. Plumerinine A Novel Lupine Alkaloid From Plumeria-Rubra
Author(s): KAZMI S N-U-H; AHMED Z; AHMED W; et al.
Source: Heterocycles (Tokyo) Volume: 29 Issue: 10 Pages: 1901-1906 Published: 1989
26. Ultrastructure And Secretion Of Extrafloral Nectaries Of Plumeria-Rubra L
Source: Annals of Botany Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 389-401 Published: MAR 1986
27. Pollination By Deceit In A Mass-Flowering Tropical Tree Plumeria-Rubra L (Apocynaceae)
Author(s): HABER WA
Source: Biotropica Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Pages: 269-275 DOI: 10.2307/2387935 Published: 1984
28. Plumeria-Rubra - A New Host Plant Record Of The Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) In Puerto-Rico
Source: Florida Entomologist Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 359-359 DOI: 10.2307/3494131 Published: 1983
29. Invitro Effect Of Sucrose Feeding In Differentiation Of Wood Elements Of Plumeria
Source: Development Growth & Differentiation Volume: 18 Issue: 2 Pages: 183-187 Published: 1976
30. Chemical Examination Of The Leaves Of Plumeria-Rubra
Author(s): RAO E V; RAO M N; RAO P R S P
Source: Indian Journal of Pharmacy Volume: 38 Issue: 6 Pages: 147-148 Published: 1976
31. Invitro Effect Of Hormones On Bark Of Plumeria-Rubra Linn Var Actuifolia Bailey
Source: Development Growth & Differentiation Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Pages: 317-322 Published: 1975
32. Isolation And Quantitative Estimation Of Plumierid From Different Organs Of Plumeria-Rubra And Plumeria-Rubra Var Alba
Source: PLANTA MEDICA Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 226-230 Published: 1974
33. The Isolation And Characterization Of Certain Antibiotic Principles From Plumeria-Rubra Growing In Egypt
Author(s): MAHRAN G H
Source: International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences Abstracts Volume: 33 Pages: 226 Published: 1973
34. Local Anesthetic Activity Of Plumeria-Rubra-D
Author(s): CHAK I M; PATNAIK G K
Source: Indian Journal of Pharmacy Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Pages: 10-11 Published: 1972
35. Die Strukture Des Fulvoplumierins
Source: HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 45 Issue: 5 Pages: 1406-& DOI: 10.1002/hlca.19620450504 Published: 1962
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