Family: Myrtaceae
Synonyms: Eugenia decora Salisb., Eugenia jamboides Wender., Eugenia jambos L, Eugenia jambosa Crantz, Eugenia malaccensis Blanco [Illegitimate], Eugenia maiaccensist. cericarpa (O.Deg.) H.St.John, Eugenia monantha Merr., Eugenia vulgaris Baill., Jambos jambos (L.) Millsp., Jambosa jambos (L.) Millsp., Jambosa malaccensisl. cericarpa O.Deg., Jambosa paiembanica Blume, Jambosa vulgaris DC. [Illegitimate], Myrtus jambos (L.) Kunth, Plinia jambos (L.) M.Gomez, Syzygium jambos var. linearilimbum H.T.Chang & R.H.Miao, Syzygium merrillii Masam. [Illegitimate], Syzygium monanthum (Merr.) Merr. & L.M.Perry,
Sanskrit: Campeyah, Raaj-Jambu
Bengali: Golap Jam
Malabar plum, Rose apple
Hindi: Gulab jamun गुलाब जामुन
Malayalam: Malakkacampa
Kannada: Pannerale
Assamese: Golapi-jamuk
Telugu: Jambuneredu, జంబునేరేడు
Marathi: जांब Jamb
Tamil: Champai
English: Jambos, Malabar Plum, Plum Rose, Rose-apple * Afrikaans : Jamboes; * Argentina : Yambo; * Brazil : Jambo Rosa, Jambeiro, Jambo Amarelo ( Portuguese ); * Burmese : Thabyu Thabye; * Chinese : Pu Ta; * Columbia : Manzana Rosa; * Cook Islands : Ka‘Ika, Ka‘Ika Papa‘Ā, Ka‘Ika * Takataka, Ka‘Ika Varāni ( Maori ); * Cuba : Pomarrosa Manzana Rosa; * Czech : Hřebíčkovec Molucký; * Danish : Jambo; * Dominican Republic : Pomarrosa Pomo; * Eastonian : Jambu-Nelgipuu; * Fijian : Kavika, Kavika Ni India, Kavika Ni Vavalangi; * French : Pome Rose, Pommier Rose, Jambosier; * Germany : Rosenapfelbaum, Jambubaum, Rosenapfel; * Guatemala : Manzana Rosa; * Hawaiaan : ‘Ohi‘A Loke; * India : Golapi-Jamuk ( Assamese ), Gulab Jamun ( Hindu) , Pannerale ( Kannada ), Malakkacampa, Yamu Panawa ( Malayalam ), Jamb ( Marathi ), * Champai ( Tamil ), Jambuneredu ( Telugu ); * Indonesia : Jambu Mawar, Jambu Air Mawar, Jambu Kraton; * Japanese : Futo Momo; * Khmer : Châm-Puu; * Laos : Chièng, Kièng; * Malaysia : Jambu Mawar, Jambu Kelampok; * Nepale : Gulaav Jaamun, Thulo Jamun; * Philippines : Tampoy, Tampoi ( Bikol ), Bunlaun, * Yampoi ( Bisaya) , Tanpul ( Ibanag ), Balobar ( Pampangan), Bunlauan ( Panay Bisaya), Tampoy, * Tampoi ( Tagalog); * Pohnpeian : Apel En Wai, Iouen Wai, Youenwai; * Portuguese : Jambo Amarelo, Jambo Branco, Jambo Rosa, Jambeiro; * Puerto Rico : Jambo Amarillo, Manzana Rosa, * Manzanita Rosa, Pomarrosa; * Russian : Sitsigiui Dzhamboza; * Samoan : Seasea Pālagi, Seasea Papalagi; * Spanish : Manzana Rosa, Pomarrosa, Manzanita De Rosa, Yambo; * Surinam : Pommeroos, Appelroos; * Swedish : Rosenäpple; * Tahitian : Ahi‘A Papa‘A; * Thailand : Chompu-Nam Dok Mai ( Central ), Manom Hom ( North ), * Tongan : Fekika Papalangi; * Vietnamese : Lý, Bô Dào, Roi.
Eugenia jambos is an antipyretic and antiinfl ammatory herb of Asian folk medicine. All parts of the rose-apple tree have been reported to be used in traditional medicine in the tropics. Several parts of the tree are used medicinally as a tonic or a diuretic. Bark, leaves and seeds are medicinally used. In Indo-China, all parts of the tree are used as a digestive, a stimulant and a remedy for tooth troubles. In Upper Myanmar, the leaves are boiled and the decoction applied to sore eyes. The leaf decoction also serves as a diuretic and expectorant and treatment for rheumatism. An infusion of the leaves is given for fever in Cambodia. Powdered leaves have been rubbed on the bodies of smallpox patients for the cooling effect. A conserve of the fl owers is considered cooling. A sweetened preparation of the fl owers is believed to reduce fever. The seeds are employed against diarrhoea, dysentery and catarrh. In El Salvador and Nicaragua, an infusion of roasted, powdered seeds is employed as a remedy for diabetics. In Colombian folk medicine, the seeds are believed to have an anaesthetic property. The bark contains 7–12.4% tannin and has emetic and cathartic properties. The decoction of the bark is administered to relieve asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness. Cuban people believe that the root is an effective remedy for epilepsy. [T.K. Lim, Edible Medicinal And Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 3, Fruits]
Fruit—used in liver complaints. Bark—astringent, antidiarrhoeal, antidysenteric. Leaves—astringent, anti-inflammatory. The juice of fresh fruit contains alanine, aspartic acid, cystine or cysteine, glutamine, threonine and tyrosine.The essential oil, obtained from leaves, is a good source of dl-alpha-pinene In Brazil, a decoction of dry leaves is given in diabetes. Aerial parts exhibit diuretic activity [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Fruit—used in liver complaints. Bark—astringent, antidiarrhoeal, antidysenteric. Leaves—astringent, anti-inflammatory. The juice of fresh fruit contains alanine, aspartic acid, cystine or cysteine, glutamine, threonine and tyrosine.The essential oil, obtained from leaves, is a good source of dl-alpha-pinene In Brazil, a decoction of dry leaves is given in diabetes. Aerial parts exhibit diuretic activity [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Parts used: Bark, leaves, fruit
Uses: Astringent, diuretic [Medicinal Plants by P. P. Joy, J. Thomas, Samuel Mathew, Baby P. Skaria]
Fruit: In French Guiana, used as an ingredient in an agreeably perfumed and refreshing lemonade. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)]
40 Published articles of Syzygium jambos
1. Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of an ethanol extract of Syzygium jambos (L.) leaves.
Islam, M R; Parvin, M S; Islam, M E - Drug discoveries & therapeutics Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 205-11 Published: 2012-Aug
2. Evaluation to the antioxidant activity of total flavonoids extract from Syzygium jambos seeds and optimization by response surface methodology
Zheng, Ni; Wang, Zhaoyu; Chen, Feng; et al. - AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY Volume: 5 Issue: 21 Pages: 2411-2419 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.5897/
3. Antioxidant and tumour cell suppression potential of methanolic extract of Syzygium jambos (Linn) leaf.
Selvam, N. T.; Venkatakrishnan, V.; Kumar, S. D.; et al. - Asian Journal of Experimental Biological Sciences Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Pages: 673-678 Published: 2011
4. In vitro and in vivo antioxidant potential of ethanolic extract of Syzygium jambos (L.) bark.
Islam, M. R.; Parvin, M. S.; Raihan, M. O.; et al. - International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP) Volume: 2 Issue: 3 Pages: 810-815 Published: 2011
5. 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) reduces water loss and extends shelf life of fruits of Rose apple (Syzygium jambos Alston) cv. Tabtim Chan
Plainsirichai, Maratree; Trinok, Usana; Turner, David W. - FRUITS Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 133-140 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1051/
6. Bioactivity of Syzygium jambos methanolic extracts: Antibacterial activity and toxicity.
Mohanty, S; Cock, I E - Pharmacognosy research Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: 4-9 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.4103/
7. Relationships of Syzygium jambos and Dracontomelon duperreanum leaf tannin concentration and leaf litter breakdown with the colonization of benthonic invertebrates.
Guan, Zhao-ying; Zhao, Ying; Tong, Xiao-li - Yingyong Shengtai Xuebao Volume: 20 Issue: 10 Pages: 2493-2498 Published: October 2009
8. Relationships of Syzygium jambos and Dracontomelon duperreanum leaf tannin concentration and leaf litter breakdown with the colonization of benthonic invertebrates
Guan Zhao-ying; Zhao Ying; Tong Xiao-li - Yingyong Shengtai Xuebao Volume: 20 Issue: 10 Pages: 2493-2498 Published: OCT 2009
9. A Recurrent Epiphytotic of Guava Rust on Rose Apple, Syzygium jmbos, in Hawaii
Uchida, J. Y.; Loope, L. L. - PLANT DISEASE Volume: 93 Issue: 4 Pages: 429-429 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1094/
10. "Antiulcerogenic and antioxidant activities of leaf extract of Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston (Myrtaceae)".
Donatini, Raquel S.; Ishikawa, Tati; Barros, Silvia B. M.; et al. - REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY Volume: 19 Issue: 1A Pages: 89-94 Published: JAN-MAR 2009
11. Determination of rutin content in Syzygium jambos leaves by differential pulse voltammetry.
Luo JiWen; Chen Yuan; Li ZhongLiang; et al. - Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products Volume: 29 Issue: 3 Pages: 85-88 Published: 2009
12. Antinociceptive activity of Syzygium jambos leaves extract on rats
Avila-Pena, D.; Pena, N.; Quintero, L.; et al. - JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY Volume: 112 Issue: 2 Pages: 380-385 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
13. Dihydrochalcones with radical scavenging properties from the leaves of Syzygium jambos
Jayasinghe, U. L. B.; Ratnayake, R. M. S.; Medawala, M. M. W. S.; et al. - NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH Volume: 21 Issue: 6 Pages: 551-554 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1080/
14. Antidermatophytic triterpenoids from Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston (Myrtaceae)
Kuiate, Jules-Roger; Mouokeu, Simplice; Wabo, Hypolyte K.; et al. - PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 149-152 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1002/ptr.
15. Studies on the physiology of fruit growth and development of rose apple ( Syzygium jambos).
Hasan, M. A.; Ghosh, A.; Raychowdhury, R.; et al. - Proceedings of the national symposium on production, utilization and export of underutilized fruits with commercial potentialities, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, 22-24 November, 2006 Pages: 154-157 Published: 2006
16. Growth regulators in controlling fruit drop of rose apple ( Syzygium jambos L. Aston) grown in West Bengal.
Das, B. C.; Maji, S.; Singha, S.; et al. - Proceedings of the national symposium on production, utilization and export of underutilized fruits with commercial potentialities, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, 22-24 November, 2006 Pages: 168-173 Published: 2006
17. Changes in mineral composition during growth and development of fruits of rose apple ( Syzygium jambos).
Hasan, M. A.; Ghosh, A.; Chowdhury, R. R.; et al. - Proceedings of the national symposium on production, utilization and export of underutilized fruits with commercial potentialities, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India, 22-24 November, 2006 Pages: 192-195 Published: 2006
18. Study of the aroma compounds of rose apple (Syzygium jambos Alston) fruit from Brazil
Guedes, CM; Pinto, AB; Moreira, RFA; et al. - EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 219 Issue: 5 Pages: 460-464 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1007/
19. In vitro callus induction and plantlet regeneration in roseapple ( Syzygium jambos L.).
Prashanta, K. G.; Sathyanarayana, B. N.; Deepu Mathew; et al. - Journal of Plant Biology Volume: 30 Issue: 1 Pages: 99-102 Published: 2003
20. Age and temperature effect on Puccinia psidii urediniospores germination colleted from rose apple (Syzygium jambos) and guava (Psidium guajava).
Aparecido, Christiane Ceriani; Figueiredo, Mario Barreto; Furtado, Edson Luiz - Summa Phytopathologica Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Pages: 30-33 Published: Janeiro-Marco 2003
21. Hentriacontane: a leaf hydrocarbon from Syzygium jambos with stimulatory effects on the germination of urediniospores of Puccinia psidii.
Tessmann, D. J.; Dianese, J. C. - Fitopatologia Brasileira Volume: 27 Issue: 5 Pages: 538-542 Published: 2002
22. Epidemiology of a Neotropical rust (Puccinia psidii): periodical analysis of the temporal progress in a perennial host (Syzygium jambos)
Tessmann, DJ; Dianese, JC; Miranda, AC; et al. - PLANT PATHOLOGY Volume: 50 Issue: 6 Pages: 725-731 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.
23. Antimicrobial activity of bark extracts of Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston (Myrtaceae)
Djipa, CD; Delmee, M; Quetin-Leclercq, J - JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY Volume: 71 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 307-313 DOI: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1016/
24. Propagation of rose apples ( Syzygium jambos L. Alston) by air layering.
Martins, A. B. G.; Antunes, E. C. - Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 205-207 Published: 2000
25. Analysis of nutritional composition of Syzygium jambos in Guizhou Province
Cai Qui, Long Meili; Lu Lan; Chen Mingliang - Acta Nutrimenta Sinica Volume: 18 Issue: 2 Pages: 235-237 Published: 1996
26. Effect of etiolation, ringing, auxin and non-auxinic compounds on rooting of cuttings of rose apple ( Syzygium jambos Alston).
Hore, J. K.; Sen, S. K. - Scientific Horticulture Volume: 5 Pages: 41-48 Published: 1996
27. Effect of non-auxinic compounds and IBA on root formation in stem cuttings of rose apple (Syzygium jambos Alston)
Hore, J. K.; Sen, S. L. - Crop Research (Hisar) Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 44-48 Published: 1994
29. Role of growth regulating chemicals on air-layering of rose-apple ( Syzygium jambos (Linn.) Alston).
Hore, J. K.; Sen, S. K. - Orissa Journal of Horticulture Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 99-106 Published: 1991
TEIXEIRA, CC; FUCHS, FD; BLOTTA, RM; et al. - DIABETES CARE Volume: 13 Issue: 8 Pages: 907-908 Published: AUG 1990
JUSTINIANO J; BETANCOURT C - Caribbean Journal of Science Volume: 25 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 101-110 Published: 1989
32. Effect of auxinic and non-auxinic chemicals on rooting of rose apple ( Syzygium jambos Alston) stem cuttings.
Sharma, J.; Bandyopadhyay, A.; Sen, S. K. - South Indian Horticulture Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Pages: 108-111 Published: 1989
CASTRO H A D; KRUGNER T L; IDERIHA C H F; et al. - Fitopatologia Brasileira Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 491-498 Published: 1983
34. Cross inoculation of Eucalyptus, Psidium guajava and Syzygium jambos with Puccinia psidii.
Castro, H. A. de; Krugner, T. L.; Ideriha, C. H. F.; et al. - Fitopatologia Brasileira Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 491-497 Published: 1983
35. 2,4-D Induced fruit development in Syzygium jambos.
Gautam, T. - Plant Science Volume: 12 Pages: 39 Published: 1980
WEAVER, PL; NIEVES, LO - TURRIALBA Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 253-256 Published: 1978
37. A weevil pest of rose-apple (Syzygium jambos), apparently new to the United States (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Woodruff, R. E. - Entomology Circular, Division of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Issue: 183 Pages: 2 pp. Published: 1977
38. A weevil pest of rose-apple (Syzygium jambos), apparently new to the United States (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).
Woodruff, R.E. - Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Plant Industry Entomology Circular Supplement: No. 183 Pages: 2pp. Published: 1977
39. Propagation of rose apple (Syzygium jambos Alston) by stem cuttings.
Bhandary, K. R.; Shivashankar, Y. T. - South Indian Horticulture Volume: 19 Issue: 1/4 Pages: 83-84 Published: 1971
40. Some investigations of vegetative propagation of jaman ( Syzygium jambos L.).
SAHA, A. K. - Allahabad Farmer Volume: 43 Pages: 187-9 Published: 1969
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