Family: Leguminosae

Common name: Rain Tree, Coco tamarind, Acacia preta, French tamarind, Saman, Monkey pod
Hindi: गुलाबी सिरिस Gulabi Siris, Vilaiti siris
Bengali: Biliti siris
Tamil: Amaivagai, தூங்குமூஞ்சி மரம் Thoongumoonji maram
Deutsch: Regenbaum
Telugu: వానచెట్టు
Chinese: 雨豆樹
Vietnamese: Còng (thực vật)
Malayalam: മഴമരം
Bahasa Indonesia: Ki hujan
Javanese: Trembesi
Portuguese: Árvore-da-chuva
Japanese: モンキーポッド
Polish: Albicja saman
Espanol: Samanea saman
Thai: จามจุรี [dsha:m-dshu-ri:] jamjuree
French: arbre à (la) pluie (rain tree)
Haitian Creole: guannegoul(e)
Kannada: Bhagaya mara
Jamaica: goango, guango
Khmer ampil barang (French tamarind)
Malagasy: bonara(mbaza), kily vazaha, madiromany, mampihe, mampohehy
Sinhalese: mara
Colombia: campano, saman
Venezuela: carabeli, couji, lara, urero, zaman
German: Regenbaum (rain tree), Soar, Suar
Sanskrit: Shiriisha
Activity: Hemostat, Poison
FDA Poisonous Plant Database listed this species.
Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Fruit pods. Free-ranging cows will travel the distance to feast the sweet pods, swallowing the seeds in the process and disseminating them. Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr. Fabaceae. CN: [Malay and regional vernacular names - Pokok pukul lima, Pokok hujan-hujan, Trembesi, Munggar, Ki hujan], Saman, Rain tree, Monkey pod, Giant thibet, Inga saman, Cow tamarind, East Indian walnut. Native to the Yucatan Peninsula and Guatemala to Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. A wide-canopied tree planted as landscape and shade tree and naturalized in the tropics. The leaves fold in rainy weather and in the evening.
20 Published articles of Albizia saman
1. Quality and chemical composition of cassava wastes ensiled with Albizia saman pods.
Babayemi, O. J.; Ifut, O. J.; Inyang, U. A.; et al. - Agricultural Journal Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 225-228 Published: 2010
2. Incidence of a beetle Aeolesthes holosericea on Samanea saman and Albizia lebbeck trees at Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
Mamlayya, A.B.; Aland, S.R.; Gaikwad, S.M.; et al.
Bionotes Volume: 11 Issue: 4 Pages: 133 Published: Oct-December 2009
3. Protective antifungal effect of neem (Azadirachta indica) extracts on mango (Mangifera indica) and rain tree (Albizia saman) wood
Islam, Muktarul; Shams, Iftekhar; Ilias, G. N. M.; et al. - INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 241-243 DOI: Published: MAR 2009
4. Germinability and viability of Albizia saman seeds subjected to three scarification methods.
Jolaosho, A. O.; Arigbede, O. M.; Ojo, R. O. - ASSET - Series A: Agriculture & Environment Volume: 8 Issue: 1/2 Pages: 84-96 Published: 2008
Idowu, A. B.; Babalola, O. D.; Ademolu, K. O. - Tropical Veterinarian Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Pages: 116-123 Published: 2007
6. Effects of ingestion by cattle and immersion in hot water and acid on the germinability of rain tree (Albizia saman) seeds
Jolaosho, A. O.; Oduguwa, B. O.; Onifade, O. S.; et al. - TROPICAL GRASSLANDS Volume: 40 Issue: 4 Pages: 244-253 Published: DEC 2006
7. Effect of microbial inoculants on Albizia saman germination and seedling growth
Khan, B. M.; Hossain, M. K.; Mridha, M. A. U. - Journal of Forestry Research (Harbin) Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Pages: 99-102 DOI:
0023-3 Published: JUN 2006
8. Effects of different processing methods on the utilization of whole pods of Albizia saman in the diets of growing rabbits.
Oduguwa, O. O. - ASSET - Series A: Agriculture & Environment Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 221-229 Published: 2006
9. Microbial studies on Aisa: a potential indigenous laboratory fermented food condiment from Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Mull.
Ogunshe, A. A. O.; Ayodele, A. E.; Okonko, I. O. - Pakistan Journal of Nutrition Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Pages: 51-58 Published: 2006
10. The physiological impact on the consumption of Albizia saman pods by albino rats.
Idowu, A. B.; Babalola, O. D.; Ademolu, K. O. - Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances Volume: 5 Issue: 7 Pages: 585-589 Published: 2006
11. Utilization of whole pods of Albizia saman in diets of growing rabbits.
Oduguwa, O. O. - Nigerian Journal of Animal Production Volume: 33 Issue: 1/2 Pages: 197-202 Published: 2006
12. Effect of pre-sowing treatments on germination and initial seedling development of Albizia saman in the nursery
Alamgir, Mohammed; Hossain, M. K. - Journal of Forestry Research (Harbin) Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 200-204 DOI:
Published: SEP 2005
13. Effect of pre-sowing treatments on germination and initial seedling development of Albizia saman in the nursery.
Mohammed Alamgir; Hossain, M. K. - Journal of Forestry Research Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 200-204, 2 Published: 2005
14. Effects of Albizia saman pods supplementation on feed intake and live weight changes of White Fulani Calves.
Adebiyi, B. A.; Adeneye, J. A. - Nigerian Journal of Animal Production Volume: 28 Issue: 1 Pages: 68-71 Published: 2001
15. Effect of seed weight on germination and initial seedling growth in Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Muell
Nizam, M. Z. U.; Hossain, M. K. - Indian Forester Volume: 125 Issue: 6 Pages: 613-617 Published: June, 1999
16. Vaccination against experimental Kala-azar with saponins with Albizia saman (PsAsu and PsAgle) and the FML antigen of Leishmania donovani
Bernardo, R. R.; Santos, W. R.; Parente, J. P.; et al. - Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Volume: 92 Issue: SUPPL. 1 Pages: 210 Published: Nov., 1997
17. Effect of scarification treatments on the germination of Leucaena leucocephala, Albizzia lebbek and Samanea saman
Padma, V.; Satyanarayana, G.; Reddy, B. Muralimohan - Seed Research (New Delhi) Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 54-57 Published: 1994 (1996)
18. Allelopathic potential of Albizia saman Merr.
Meher Noor; Khan, M. A. - Pakistan Journal of Botany Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Pages: 139-147 Published: 1994
DE D N; RAO P V L - Cell and Chromosome Research Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Pages: 38-43 Published: 1988
DE D N; RAO P V L - Cell and Chromosome Research Volume: 10 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 134 Published: 1987
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