Family: Leguminosae

Amharic: amora-guaya
Arabic: lablab
Assamese: uri
Bengali: Shim
Chinese: 扁豆, 沿篱豆
Finnish: Hyasinttipapu
German: Helmbohne
Hindi: Bhatvas, सेम Sem
Kannada: Avare Baele
Malayalam: Amarakka അമരയ്ക്ക
Marathi: Pandhre Pavate
Portuguese: feijão cutelinho
Russian: lobija, лобия
Sanskrit: राजशिम्बी
Spanish: Bona wiss
Tamil: அவரை
Telugu: Chikkudu
Used in Ayurveda. Toxins, seeds contain poisonous glucoside destroyed by heat. Leaves used for diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, leucorrhea, earache; leaves decoction given in bleeding piles; bruise the leaves and apply to draw out the heat and pain of burns; leaves juice to treat ringworm; leaf paste in scabies and skin diseases. Seeds febrifuge, stomachic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac; seed powder with milk to cure leucorrhea. Root decoction drunk as wormicide; old roots decoction with salt used to cure cough; roots for poisoning wild animals. Tender fruits cooked and eaten for diabetes. An important traditional food, served to mothers after childbirth, said to increase mother’s milk. Ceremonial.
Seeds—febrifuge, stomachic, antispasmodic, antifungal, expectorant. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Published medicine related articles of Lablab purpureus
1. Nutritional and antioxidant properties and their inter-relationship with pod characters in an under-exploited vegetable, Indian bean (Lablab purpureus)
Rai, Nagendra; Rai, Krishna Kumar; Tiwari, Garima; et al.
INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Volume: 84 Issue: 9 Pages: 1051-1056 Published: SEP 2014
2. A new variant of antimetabolic protein, arcelin from an Indian bean, Lablab purpureus (Linn.) and its effect on the stored product pest, Callosobruchus maculatus.
Janarthanan, Sundaram; Sakthivelkumar, Shanmugavel; Veeramani, Velayutham; et al.
Food chemistry Volume: 135 Issue: 4 Pages: 2839-44 Published: 2012-Dec-15 (Epub 2012 Jul 25)
3. In vitro antimicrobial and cytotoxicity screening of n-Hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of Lablab purpureus (L.) leaves.
Fatema Nasrin; Bulbul, I. J.; Yesmin Begum; et al.
Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 43-48 Published: 2012
4. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cytotoxicity potential of methanolic extract of two Bangladeshi bean Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet white and purple.
Momin, M. A. M.; Habib, M. R.; Hasan, M. R.; et al.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJPSR) Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Pages: 776-781 Published: 2012
5. Preliminary Studies on the Phytochemical Constituents and Effects of Aqueous Crude Extract of Lablab purpureus Seeds on Some Biochemical Parameters in Rats
Soetan, K. O.; Fafunso, M. A.
Book Author(s): Awaad, AS; Kaushik, G; Govil, JN
MECHANISM AND ACTION OF PHYTOCONSTITUENTS Book Series: Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants Volume: 31 Pages: 245-249 Published: 2011
6. Rotenoids from Lablab purpureus L. and their bioefficacy against human disease vectors
Kamal, Raka; Mathur, N.
PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH Volume: 107 Issue: 6 Pages: 1481-1488 Published: NOV 2010
7. Nutrient and chemical evaluation of raw seeds of five varieties of Lablab purpureus (L.) sweet.
Kala, B. K.; Soris, P. T.; Mohan, V. R.; et al.
Advances in Bio Research Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 44-53 Published: 2010
8. Morphological and Reproductive Characterization in Hyacinth Bean, Lablab Purpureus (L.) Sweet Germplasm with Clinically Proven Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Traits for Use as a Medicinal Food
Morris, John Bradley
Journal of Dietary Supplements Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Pages: 263-279 Published: 2009
9. Cloning and functional expression of the gene encoding an inhibitor against Aspergillus flavus alpha-amylase, a novel seed lectin from Lablab purpureus (Dolichos lablab)
Kim, Young-Hwa; Woloshuk, Charles P.; Cho, Eun Hee; et al.
PLANT CELL REPORTS Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Pages: 395-405 Published: APR 2007
10. Inhibition of growth of Aspergillus flavus and fungal alpha-amylases by a lectin-like protein from Lablab purpureus
Fakhoury, AM; Woloshuk, CP
MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS Volume: 14 Issue: 8 Pages: 955-961 Published: AUG 2001
11. Purification and characterisation of alpha-amylase inhibitor from seeds of a wild variety of Lablab purpureus that show resistance to the bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus
Janarthanan, S.; Venugopal, K. J.; Ignacimuthu, S.
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Volume: 37 Issue: 8 Pages: 778-781 Published: Aug., 1999
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