Family: Solanaceae

Common name: Cape Gooseberry, Goldenberry, Husk Cherry, Peruvian Ground Cherry, Poha, Poha Berry
- Azərbaycanca: Peru yergilası
- Chinese: 小果酸浆, 灯笼果
- Dutch: lampion, Kapstachelbeere
- Finnish: karviaiskoiso
- French: Nicandre faux-coqueret
- German: essbare judaskirshe
- Hindi: Macao, Tepariyo, Tipari, रसभरी Rasbhari
- Hebrew: שלפח
- Italian: fisalis
- Kannada: budde hannu, doddabudd
- Malayalam: മലതക്കാളിക്കീര Malathakkalikeera
- Marathi: popti, chirbot, phopati
- Nepali: रसभरी Rasbhari
- Portuguese: batetesta
- Quechua: aguaymanto
- Russian: Физалис перуанский
- Sanskrit: kuntali, tankari, tankasi
- Spanish: capulí
- Swedish: ananaskörsbär
- Tamil: milaku takkali, pottipallam
- Telugu: buddabusara, busarataya, చిరుకాకర chiru kakara
- Thai: โทงเทงฝรั่ง
- Turkish: Altın Çilek
- Udmurt: Перуысь физалис
Description: Herbs perennial, 45-90 cm tall. Stems erect, sparingly branched, densely pubescent. Petiole 2-5 cm; leaf blade broadly ovate to cordate, 6-15 × 4-10 cm, densely pubescent, base cordate, margin entire or with a few indistinct teeth, apex short acuminate. Pedicel ca. 1.5 cm. Calyx broadly campanulate, 7-9 mm. Corolla yellow, spotted in throat, 1.2-1.5 × 1.2-2 cm. Filaments and anthers blue-purple; anthers 3-4 mm long. Fruiting calyx green, ovoid, with 5-10 weak angles, 2.5-4 cm, pubescent. Berry yellow, 1-1.5 cm in diam. Seeds yellow, ca. 2 mm in diam. Fl. summer, fr. autumn.
Weak annual erect herbs, to 60 cm high. Leaves alternate, to 7 x 6 cm, broadly ovate, obliquely cordate at base, entire or shortly lobed, 3-nerved from base; petiole to 3 cm long. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicels 1 cm long, slender; calyx campanulate, accrescent in fruit, membranous; corolla campanulate, yellowish with deep brown centre, 15 mm across, tube hairy inside; stamens 5, anthers vertically splitting; ovary with many ovules, style glabrous; stigma 2-toothed. Berry globose, 10 mm across, covered by the balloon like 2.5-3 cm across fruiting calyx; seeds many, compressed.
The immature fruits contain sufficient solanine to cause gastroenteritis and diarrhea if ingested, children should be discouraged from eating the fruits. Plant diuretic. Leaves and root diuretic, for coughs, worms and bowel complaints, abdominal disorders, painful menstruation, stomachache, to induce labor in childbirth, as an enema for a child with abdominal upset; leaf decoction against jaundice; heated leaves applied as a poultice to draw pus from inflammations.
Plant—diuretic. Leaf—anthelmintic, an infusion is used in abdominal disorders. Fruits— a good source of carotene and ascorbic acid; eaten as a table fruit. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
359 Published articles of Physalis peruviana
1. Earliness and yield of Physalis ( P. ixocarpa Brot. and P. peruviana L.) in greenhouse, l.t.a.o.f.A., K., et al., in Acta Horticulturae, K.E. Cockshull, Y. Tuzel, and A. Gul, Editors. 1994. p. 301-306.
2. The Protective Effect of Physalis peruviana L. Against Cadmium-Induced Neurotoxicity in Rats Abdel Moneim, A.E., et al., Biological Trace Element Research, 2014. 160(3): p. 392-399.
3. Potyvirus affecting uchuva ( Physalis peruviana L.) in Centro Agropecuario Marengo, C.A.-R., W., D. Borda, and L. Hoyos-Carvajal, Agricultural Sciences, 2014. 5(10): p. 897-905.
4. A new withanolide glycoside from Physalis peruviana Ahmad, S., et al., Journal of Natural Products, 1999. 62(3): p. 493-494.
5. A new withanolide from Physalis peruviana Ahmad, S., et al., Fitoterapia, 1998. 69(5): p. 433-436.
6. Withanolides from Physalis peruviana Ahmad, S., et al., Phytochemistry, 1999. 50(4): p. 647-651.
7. New withanolide glycosides from Physalis peruviana L Ahmad, S., R. Yasmin, and A. Malik, Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1999. 47(4): p. 477-480.
8. Renoprotective effect of Egyptian cape gooseberry fruit ( Physalis peruviana L.) against acute renal injury in rats Ahmed, L.A., The Scientific World Journal, 2014. 2014: p. 273870-Article ID 273870.
9. PHYSALOLACTONE-C, A.N.W.F.P.-P.A., A., et al., Journal of Natural Products, 1984. 47(4): p. 648-651.
10. The Potential Protective Effect of Physalis peruviana L. against Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats Is Mediated by Suppression of Oxidative Stress and Downregulation of MMP-9 Expression Al-Olayan, E., et al., Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2014.
11. The potential protective effect of Physalis peruviana L. against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats is mediated by suppression of oxidative stress and downregulation of MMP-9 expression Al-Olayan, E., et al., Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, 2014. 2014: p. 381413-381413.
12. Effect of chilling (at 1.5°C) and relative humidity on cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. fruit's physical-chemical characteristics when being transported and stored Alvarado, P.A., C.A. Berdugo, and G. Fischer, Agronomia Colombiana, 2004. 22(2): p. 147-159.
13. Effect of Irrigation and Nutrition with Calcium on Fruit Cracking of the Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) in the Three Strata of the Plant Alvarez-Herrera, J., H. Balaguera-Lopez, and G. Fischer, in Xxviii International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People, J.N. Wuensche, et al., Editors. 2012. p. 163-170.
14. Total Carotenoid and Ascorbic Acid Contents in Healthy and Cracked Fruits of the Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) Alvarez-Herrera, J., et al., Ii International Conference on Postharvest Quality Management of Horticultural Products of Interest for Tropical Regions, 2014. 1016: p. 77-81.
15. Total carotenoid and ascorbic acid contents in healthy and cracked fruits of the cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) Alvarez-Herrera, J., et al., in Acta Horticulturae, G. Fischer, et al., Editors. 2014. p. 77-81.
16. Growing media affects germination and seedling growth of peruvian ground cherry ( Physalis peruviana L.) Angrej, A., F.A. Peer, and K.R. Dar, Asian Journal of Bio Science, 2010. 5(2): p. 233-235.
17. Plant spacing and NPK fertilizers affecting flowering fruiting of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) grown in sodic soil Angrej, A. and B.P. Singh, Environment and Ecology, 2014. 32(2A): p. 767-771.
18. Biochemical and microscopical study of Phytophthora infestans process of infection on Physalis peruviana Antolinez, C.A., et al., Phytopathology, 2010. 100(6): p. S7-S7.
19. AMMONIUM AND NITRATE APPLICATION ON Physalis peruviana L. PLANTS Antunez-Ocampo, O.M., et al., Agrociencia, 2014. 48(8): p. 805-817.
20. IONIC STRENGTH OF THE NUTRIENT SOLUTION AND PLANT DENSITY ON PRODUCTION AND QUALITY OF Physalis peruviana L. FRUITS Araceli Gastelum-Osorio, D., et al., Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura, 2013. 19(2): p. 197-210.
21. Aqueous extract of golden berry ( Physalis peruviana): antiproliferative, a.a.a.a.A.M., N., M.E. Maldonado, and B. Rojano, Perspectivas en Nutricion Humana, 2013. 15(1): p. 41-55.
22. Preliminary studies on antihepatotoxic effect of Physalis peruviana Linn. (Solanaceae) against carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver injury in rats Arun, M. and V.V. Asha, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2007. 111(1): p. 110-114.
23. Oil from the fruit and seeds of Physalis peruviana Aslanov, S.M., M.E. Mamedova, and S.A. Bairamova, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 1995. 31(3): p. 410-411.
24. Oil from Physalis peruviana fruits and seeds Aslanov, S.M., M.E. Mamedova, and S.A. Bairamova, Khimiya Prirodnykh Soedinenii, 1995(3): p. 496-497.
25. Correlation and path coefficient analysis in capegooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) Asna, A.B., et al., South Indian Horticulture, 1988. 36(1-2): p. 5-7.
26. Influence of fruit maturity and calyx drying on cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.), s.a.C.A., J. A., et al., Acta Agronomica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2006. 55(4): p. 29-37.
27. Morphological, b.a.f.c.o.L.b.G.C.C.o.P.p.L.B., S. G., et al., Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal Plagas, 2000. 26(1): p. 5-10.
28. Population parameters of Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Physalis peruviana (L.) (Solanaceae) crops Bado, S.G., et al., Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia (Universidad de Buenos Aires), 2001. 21(3): p. 265-269.
29. STEROIDS .33. WITHAPERUVIN-E AND NICANDRIN-B, W.F.P.-P.A.N.-P.B., A., et al., Phytochemistry, 1984. 23(4): p. 853-855.
30. CHEMICAL DEFENSE BY WITHANOLIDES DURING FRUIT-DEVELOPMENT IN PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA Baumann, T.W. and C.M. Meier, Phytochemistry, 1993. 33(2): p. 317-321.
31. Characterization of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms isolated from soils planted with cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) Becerra, J.M., et al., Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Horticolas, 2011. 5(2): p. 195-208.
32. PGPR-Virola extracts consortia as biocontrolers of F. oxysporum and its effect on Physalis peruviana growth Bejarano, J., E. Coy-Barrera, and P. Jimenez, Phytopathology, 2013. 103(6): p. 14-14.
33. BIOSYNTHESIS OF TIGLOIDINE IN PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA Beresfor.Pj and J.G. Woolley, Phytochemistry, 1974. 13(10): p. 2143-2144.
34. THE FLAVOR OF CAPE GOOSEBERRY (PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA L) Berger, R.G., F. Drawert, and H. Kollmannsberger, Zeitschrift Fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung Und-Forschung, 1989. 188(2): p. 122-126.
35. WITHANOLIDE S FROM PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA Bhattacharya, T.K., et al., Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1978. 40(5): p. 177-178.
36. Changes in nutritional content of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana) versus osmotic dehydration as a preservation method Borda Molina, C. and O. Caicedo Orjuela, Perspectivas en Nutricion Humana, 2013. 15(2): p. 149-156.
37. DEVELOPMENT OF AN EXTRACTION METHOD OF GOLDEN BERRY (Physalis peruviana L.) POLYPHENOL OXIDASE AND ISOLATION BY AQUEOUS TWO-PHASE SYSTEM Bravo M, K.E., et al., Vitae-Revista De La Facultad De Quimica Farmaceutica, 2011. 18(2): p. 124-132.
38. Extraction of beta-carotene, v.C.a.a.c.f.P.p.c.g.a.b.h.h.p.B.-L., V., et al., Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2013. 4(8A): p. 109-118.
39. Evaluation of biological activities of Physalis peruviana ethanol extracts and expression of Bcl-2 genes in HeLa cells Cakir, O., et al., Food Science and Technology, 2014. 34(2): p. 422-430.
40. Within and between plant variation of 4 beta-hydroxiwithanolide E in cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana; Solanaceae) Calderon, J.M., N. Ruiz, and L. Castellanos, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2012. 41: p. 21-25.
41. Effect of gamma rays on vegetative buds of Physalis peruviana L Caro-Melgarejo, D.P., et al., Acta Agronomica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2012. 61(4): p. 305-314.
42. Indirect estimation of leaf area in Fragaria vesca L., P.p.L., Acca sellowiana (Berg.) Burret, Rubus glaucus L., Passiflora mollissima (Kunth) L. H. Bailey and Ficus carica L Casierra-Posada, F., G.R. Pena Z, and J.E. Pena-Olmos, Revista U.D.C.A. Actualidad & Divulgacion Cientifica, 2008. 11(1): p. 95-102.
43. DRY GOOSEBERRY (Physalis peruviana L) WITH PRETREATMENT OF OSMOTIC DEHYDRATION Castro, A.M., L. Rodriguez, and E.M. Vargas, Vitae-Revista De La Facultad De Quimica Farmaceutica, 2008. 15(2): p. 226-231.
44. Performance of Physalis ixocarpa Brot. and Physalis peruviana L. at Buenos Aires Cerri, A.M., Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia (Universidad de Buenos Aires), 2006. 26(3): p. 263-274.
45. Influence of Various Fertilizers on Vegetative and Fruiting Characters of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) Chahal, T.S., Hortscience, 2004. 39(4): p. 853-853.
46. Antioxidative and Hepatoprotective Effects of Physalis peruviana Extract against Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury in Rats Chang, J.C., et al., Pharmaceutical Biology, 2008. 46(10-11): p. 724-731.
47. In Vitro establishment and multiplication of Physalis peruviana L Chaves, A.d.C., M.W. Schuch, and A.C. Erig, Ciencia E Agrotecnologia, 2005. 29(6): p. 1281-1287.
48. Use of Physalis peruviana for remediation of heavy metal, p.l.-c.s.b.p.P.p.i.l.-c.s., harvesting Physalis peruviana, performing ashing process, and extracting lead Chen, R., et al. Hunan Acad Forestry.
49. Biological effects of Physalis peruviana L. (Solanaceae) crude extracts and its major withanolides on Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) Cirigliano, A., et al., Boletin de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas, 2008. 34(4): p. 509-515.
50. Preliminary study of mechanical resistance to fracture and firmness force for uchuva ( Physalis peruviana L) fruits Ciro Velasquez, H.J., O.H. Buitrago Giraldo, and S.A. Perez Arango, Revista - Facultad Nacional de Agronomia Medellin, 2007. 60(1): p. 3785-3796.
51. Experimental advances of the post harvesting handling engineering of colombians fruits: resistance mechanical of Uchuva fruits (physalis peruviana l) Ciro Velasquez, H.J. and J.A. Osorio Saraz, Dyna-Colombia, 2008. 75(154): p. 39-46.
52. Determining the cause of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) fruit cracking in greenhouse conditions. II. Effects of calcium, b.a.c.s.C., A., C. Torres, and G. Fischer, Agronomia Colombiana, 2005. 23(1): p. 74-82.
53. Market survey for the marketing of Cape gooseberry Physalis peruviana L. in Narino Coral T, L.G., F. Torres Martinez, and B. Yepez Chamorro, Revista de Ciencias Agricolas, 2012. 29(1): p. 88-98.
54. Physalis peruviana Colombia variety transcriptome sequencing project Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria, C., European Nucleotide Archive, 2013.
55. Sorption Properties of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) Cortes, F.B., V. Lopez, and B.A. Rojano, International Journal of Food Engineering, 2012. 8(1).
56. EMBRYOGENIE DES SOLANACEES - LES PREMIERS STADES DU DEVELOPPEMENT DE LEMBRYON CHEZ LE PHYSALIS PERUVIANA-L Crete, P., Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Des Seances De L Academie Des Sciences, 1954. 239(7): p. 552-554.
57. Germination of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) at different degrees of maturity and storage duration Criollo E, H. and V. Ibarra C, in Acta Horticulturae, G. Fischer and F. Torres Carvajal, Editors. 1992. p. 183-187.
58. Behavior of three cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) genotypes under different pruning systems Criollo, H., et al., Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Horticolas, 2014. 8(1): p. 34-43.
60. TOMATO SPOTTED WILT VIRUS IN COMMERCIAL CAPE GOOSEBERRY PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA IN TRANSKEI SOUTH AFRICA Da Graca, J.V., T.N. Trench, and M.M. Martin, Plant Pathology (Oxford), 1985. 34(3): p. 451-453.
61. TOMATO SPOTTED WILT VIRUS IN COMMERCIAL CAPE GOOSEBERRY (PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA) IN TRANSKEI Dagraca, J.V., T.N. Trench, and M.M. Martin, Plant Pathology, 1985. 34(3): p. 451-453.
62. Physalis peruviana responses to Phytophthora infestans are typical of an incompatible interaction Danies, G., et al., Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2015. 37(1): p. 106-117.
63. Physalis peruviana natural reservoir for Phytophthora infestans in the field Danies, G., et al., Phytopathology, 2010. 100(6): p. S29-S29.
64. Antihepatotoxic effect of golden berry ( Physalis peruviana Linn.) in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) intoxicated rats Darakhshan, T., et al., Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2014. 27(3): p. 491-494.
65. Manufacturing dried Physalis peruviana involves selection and classifying fruit without capsule having orange color, w.s.s.i.p.w.h.w.s.u.b.D.O.C., A. M., et al. Univ Federal Do Parana Ufpr.
66. Coco peat as a substitute for peat moss in the production of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) seedlings Diaz, L.A., G. Fischer, and S.P. Pulido, Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Horticolas, 2010. 4(2): p. 153-162.
67. Growth of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) plants affected by salinity Diego Miranda, L., G. Fischer, and C. Ulrichs, Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality-Angewandte Botanik, 2010. 83(2): p. 175-181.
68. 28-hydroxywithanolide E from Physalis peruviana Dinan, L.N., S.D. Sarker, and V. Sik, Phytochemistry, 1997. 44(3): p. 509-512.
69. The potential protective role of Physalis peruviana L. fruit in cadmium-induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity Dkhil, M.A., et al., Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2014. 74: p. 98-106.
70. PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ANTIOXIDANT CHARACTERISTICS OF FRUITS OF CAPE GOOSEBERRY (Physalis peruviana L.) FROM TURKEY Dogan, H., et al., Oxidation Communications, 2014. 37(4): p. 1005-1014.
72. 23-HYDROXYPHYSALOLACTONE, A.N.W.W.A.-H.G.F.P.-P.S.E., T., et al., Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1988. 36(8): p. 2897-2901.
73. Chemical composition and nutritional effect of Physalis peruviana husk as hepato-renal protective agent El-Gengaihi, S.E., et al., International Journal of Phytomedicine, 2012. 4(2): p. 229-236.
74. Chemical Composition and Biological Evaluation of Physalis peruviana Root as Hepato-renal Protective Agent El-Gengaihi, S.E., et al., Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2013. 10(1): p. 39-53.
75. KAEMPFEROL AND QUERCETIN DIGLYCOSIDES AND TRIGLYCOSIDES FROM PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA LEAVES Elliger, C.A., J.A. Eash, and A.C. Waiss, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 1992. 20(3): p. 268-268.
76. INSECT INHIBITORY STEROIDAL SACCHARIDE ESTERS FROM PHYSALIS-PERUVIANA Elliger, C.A., et al., Journal of Natural Products, 1994. 57(3): p. 348-356.
77. Response of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) to nitrogen application under sandy soil conditions El-Tohamy, W.A., et al., Gesunde Pflanzen, 2009. 61(3-4): p. 123-127.
78. Improvement of productivity and quality of Cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) by foliar application of some chemical substances El-Tohamy, W.A., et al., Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2012(April): p. 2366-2370.
79. Identification of Immunity Related Genes to Study the Physalis peruviana - Fusarium oxysporum Pathosystem Enciso-Rodriguez, F.E., et al., Plos One, 2013. 8(7).
80. Influence of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) addition on the chemical and sensory characteristics and mineral concentrations of ice cream Erkaya, T., E. Dagdemir, and M. Sengul, Food Research International, 2012. 45(1): p. 331-335.
81. Two New Withanolides from Physalis peruviana Fang, S.-T., B. Li, and J.-K. Liu, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2009. 92(7): p. 1304-1308.
82. A novel 1, -.s.w.f.P.p.F., Sheng-Tao, J.-K. Liu, and B. Li, Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2010. 12(7): p. 618-622.
83. Ten new withanolides from Physalis peruviana Fang, S.-T., J.-K. Liu, and B. Li, Steroids, 2012. 77(1-2): p. 36-44.
84. Anatomic aspects of formation and growth of the Cape gooseberry fruit Physalis peruviana ( Solanaceae) Fernando Mazorra, M., et al., Acta Biologica Colombiana, 2006. 11(1): p. 69-81.
85. Physalis peruviana L. - cultivation and research in Colombia Fischer, G., M. Buitrago, and P. Ludders, Erwerbsobstbau, 1990. 32(8): p. 229-232.
86. Root-zone temperature effects on dry matter distribution and leaf gas exchange of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) Fischer, G., G. Ebert, and P. Ludders, Acta Horticulturae, 2000(531): p. 169-173.
87. Provitamin A carotenoids, o.a.a.a.a.c.o.c.g.P.p.L.e.g.a.t.t.a.F., G., G. Ebert, and P. Ludders, Acta Horticulturae, 2000(531): p. 263-267.
88. Production, s.a.c.c.o.c.g.P.p.L.f.g.a.t.c.C.a.F., G., G. Ebert, and P. Luedders, Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality-Angewandte Botanik, 2007. 81(1): p. 29-35.
89. Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) Fischer, G., A. Herrera, and P.J. Almanza, Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, Vol 2: Acai to Citrus, 2011(207): p. 374-396.
90. IMPORTANCE AND CULTIVATION OF PERUVIAN GROUNDCHERRY (Physalis peruviana L.)(1) Fischer, G., P. Jose Almanza-Merchan, and D. Miranda, Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura, 2014. 36(1): p. 1-15.
91. Effect of root-zone temperature on growth and development of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) Fischer, G. and P. Ludders, in Acta Horticulturae, G. Fischer and F. Torres Carvajal, Editors. 1992. p. 189-198.
92. Developmental changes of carbohydrates in cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) fruits in relation to the calyx and the leaves Fischer, G. and P. Ludders, Agronomia Colombiana, 1997. 14(2): p. 95-107.
93. Effect of rhizosphere temperature on the dry matter distribution in Cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) Fischer, G. and P. Ludders, Agronomia Colombiana, 1998. 15(2/3): p. 153-162.
94. Quality and maturity of cape gooseberry ( Physalis peruviana L.) in relation to fruit colour Fischer, G. and O. Martinez, Agronomia Colombiana, 1999. 16(1/3): p. 35-39.
95. Antiinflammatory activity of extracts and fractions obtained from Physalis peruviana L. calyces Franco, L.A., et al., Biomedica, 2007. 27(1): p. 110-115.
96. Sucrose Esters from Physalis peruviana Calyces with Anti-Inflammatory Activity Franco, L.A., et al., Planta Medica, 2014. 80(17): p. 1605-1614.
97. In vitro antibacterial activity of extracts and fractions of Physalis peruviana L. and Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Swartz Franco-Ospina, L.A., et al., Boletin Latinoamericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y Aromaticas, 2013. 12(3): p. 230-237.
98. WITHAPERUVIN AND 4-DEOXYPHYSALOLACTONE, N.E.-T.S.F.P.-P.S.F., F., et al., Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 1, 1981(4): p. 1029-1032.
99. Primary nutrient deficiencies in cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L) Garg, R.C. and S.K. Singh, Progressive Horticulture, 1975. 7(2): p. 53-58.
100. Effect of Ethrel and Cycocel on growth, f., fruiting behaviour and yield of cape gooseberry, (Physalis peruviana L.) Garg, R. C. and S.K. Singh, Progressive Horticulture, 1976. 8(3): p. 45-50.
101. Deficiencies of Phosphorus, C.a.M.A.t.P.Q.o.C.G.P.p.L.F.G.-A., C. P., et al., Ii International Conference on Postharvest Quality Management of Horticultural Products of Interest for Tropical Regions, 2014. 1016: p. 83-88.
102. Deficiencies of phosphorus, c.a.m.a.t.p.q.o.c.g.P.p.L.f.G.-A., C. P., et al., in Acta Horticulturae, G. Fischer, et al., Editors. 2014. p. 83-88.
103. The Physalis peruviana leaf transcriptome: assembly, a.a.g.m.p.G.-M., Gina A., et al., Bmc Genomics, 2012. 13.
104. Maturation stages of fruit development and physiological seed quality in Physalis peruviana Gasparetto Sbrussi, C.A., et al., Revista Ciencia Agronomica, 2014. 45(3): p. 543-549.
105. In vitro Accumulation of Active Metabolites in Physalis peruviana (Linn.) Callus Gautam, Y.K., R. Rani, and Y. Vimala, Vegetos, 2011. 24(1): p. 58-60.
106. Partial antibacterial spectrum of P. peruviana Gautier, E. and M. Olivares, BOL ACAD NAC CIENC [CoRDOBA], 1958. 40((2/4)): p. 213-216.
107. Additions to the hosts of Macrophomina phaseoli (Maubl.) Ashby. I. Physalis peruviana, R.d.a.S.n.G., Abdul, Plant Dis Reporter, 1966. 5O((3)): p. 171-172.
108. LA DESHIDRATACIÓN OSMÓTICA COMO PRETRATAMIENTO EN LA CONSERVACIÓN DE MORA (Rubus glaucus) Y UCHUVA (Physalis peruviana L.) Giraldo G, G.A., A.L. Duque C, and C.M. MejÍA D, Vitae, 2005. 12(1): p. 15-22.
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