Photo: Mauroguanandi
Family: Calophyllaceae
Synonyms: Calophyllum brasiliense var. burchellii Vesque, Calophyllum brasiliense var. elongatum Engl., Calophyllum brasiliense var. gardneri Vesque, Calophyllum brasiliense subsp. mariae (Planch. & Triana) Vesque, Calophyllum brasiliense var. spruceana Vesque, Calophyllum lucidum Benth., Calophyllum mariae Planch. & Triana, Calophyllum piaroanum A.Castillo & C.Gil, Calophyllum revolutum Rich. ex Vesque
Other names:
- English: Calaba, Santa Maria tree
- Azerbaycanca: Braziliya kalofillumu
- French: Calophylle du Brésil
- Portuguese: Guanandi
Antifungal, antileishmanial, antiproliferative, cytotoxic and antitumour. Moist sawdust caused persistent dermatitis and folliculitis. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Stem: The French Guiana Palikur employ the trunk-bark in a decoction with the root-bark of Coutarea hexandra as an antidiabetic and vermifuge. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) ]
164 Published articles of Calophyllum brasiliense
1. Percuoco, C.B., et al., Screening chloroplast regions in Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae) for suitability for population genetic analyses. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018. 29(4): p. 983-990.
2. Gomez-Verjan, J.C., et al., Network Pharmacology Uncovers Anticancer Activity of Mammea-Type Coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense. Planta medica, 2018.
3. Domeneghetti, L., et al., Calophyllum brasiliense Modulates the Immune Response and Promotes Leishmania amazonensis Intracellular Death. Mediators of Inflammation, 2018.
4. Rosa, S.A., et al., Growth models based on tree-ring data for the Neotropical tree species Calophyllum brasiliense across different Brazilian wetlands: implications for conservation and management. Trees-Structure and Function, 2017. 31(2): p. 729-742.
5. Pereira, A.S., et al., Morphology, ultrastructure, and element uptake in Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Calophyllaceae J. Agardh) seedlings under cadmium exposure. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017. 24(18): p. 15576-15588.
6. Nery, F.C., et al., Storage of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. seeds. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2017. 77(3): p. 431-436.
7. Morandi, P.S., et al., MINERAL NUTRITION IN THE TREE Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Calophyllaceae)1. Figshare, 2017.
8. Morandi, P.S., et al., MINERAL NUTRITION IN THE TREE Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Calophyllaceae). Revista Arvore, 2017. 41(2).
9. Lemos, L.M.S., et al., Hexane Extracts of Calophyllum brasiliense Inhibit the Development of Gastric Preneoplasia in Helicobacter fells Infected INS-Gas Mice. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2017. 8.
10. Klein-Junior, L.C., et al., The validation of Calophyllum brasiliense ("guanandi") uses in Brazilian traditional medicine as analgesic by in vivo antinociceptive evaluation and its chemical analysis. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 2017. 390(7): p. 733-739.
11. Garcia-Nino, W.R., et al., Cytogenetic effects of Jacareubin from Calophyllum brasiliense on human peripheral blood mononucleated cells in vitro and on mouse polychromatic erythrocytes in vivo. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2017. 335: p. 6-15.
12. Cardoso, B.M., et al., Antileishmanial Activity of a Calophyllum brasiliense Leaf Extract. Planta Medica, 2017. 83(01-02): p. 57-62.
13. Bueno-Coelho, M.C., et al., Probability density functions for the estimation of the diametric distribution of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. Revista Forestal Mesoamerica Kuru-Rfmk, 2017. 14(34): p. 45-52.
14. Silveira, S.S., et al., Analysis of in vitro rooting capacity of Calophyllum brasiliense through RAPD markers. Scientia Forestalis, 2016. 44(110): p. 527-535.
15. Silveira, S.S., J. Degenhardt-Goldbach, and M. Quoirin, In vitro seed germination and multiplication of Calophyllum brasiliense. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 2016. 36(87): p. 185-193.
16. Silveira, S.S., et al., Micropropagation of Calophyllum brasiliense (Cambess.) from nodal segments. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2016. 76(3): p. 656-663.
17. Sereda, F., et al., Teores foliares e esclerofilia de Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Clusiaceae) e suas relacoes edaficas no litoral do Estado do Parana, Brasil. Hoehnea, 2016. 43(4): p. 583-590.
18. Pires, C.T.A., et al., Anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis Activity of Calophyllum brasiliense Extracts Obtained by Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Conventional Techniques. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 2016. 17(6): p. 532-539.
19. Lemos, L.M.S., et al., Brasiliensic and isobrasiliensic acids: isolation from Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. and anti-Helicobacter pylori activity. Natural Product Research, 2016. 30(23): p. 2720-2725.
20. Kratz, D., et al., EPICORMIC SHOOTS INDUCTION AND ROOTING CUTTINGS OF Calophyllum brasiliense. Cerne, 2016. 22(4): p. 365-372.
21. Instituto de Ecologia, A.C., Calophyllum brasiliense Transcriptome or Gene expression. European Nucleotide Archive, 2016.
22. Gomez-Verjan, J.C., et al., Risk assessment of Soulatrolide and Mammea (A/BA plus A/BB) coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense by a toxicogenomic and toxicological approach. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2016. 91: p. 117-129.
23. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 12: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
24. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 5: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
25. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 2: Table S1. of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
26. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 10: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
27. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 8: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
28. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 1: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
29. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 11: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
30. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 7: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
31. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 4: Tables S2-S9. of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
32. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 6: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
33. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Additional file 9: of Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Figshare, 2016.
34. Gomez-Robledo, H.-B., et al., Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Bmc Plant Biology, 2016. 16.
35. Gomez-Robledo, H.B., et al., Identification of candidate genes related to calanolide biosynthesis by transcriptome sequencing of Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). BMC Plant Biology, 2016. 16(177): p. (15 August 2016)-(15 August 2016).
36. Carvalho, H.d.O., et al., Effect of hydroethanolic extract from Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2016. 10(42): p. 900-908.
37. Carvalho, H.d.O., et al., Hypoglycemic effect of formulation containing hydroethanolic extract of Calophyllum brasiliense in diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2016. 26(5): p. 634-639.
38. Carvalho, H.d.O., et al., Hypoglycemic effect of formulation containing hydroethanolic extract of Calophyllum brasiliense in diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin. Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2016. 26(5): p. 634-639.
39. Barreiros, R.M., et al., QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURAL VARIATION IN THE Calophyllum brasiliense WOOD. Cerne, 2016. 22(1): p. 77-83.
40. Arriola, I.A., et al., Where host plant goes, galls go too: new records of the Neotropical galling Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) associated with Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Calophyllaceae). Check List, 2016. 12(4): p. 1924-1924.
41. Sorol, C.B., et al., Basis for conservation seeds Calophyllum brasiliense (Calophyllaceae). Boletin De La Sociedad Argentina De Botanica, 2015. 50(1): p. 93-106.
42. Santos, L.L.d., et al., Evaluation of extract from leaves of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Clusiaceae) using micronucleus assay in mouse bone-marrow cells. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2015. 9(18): p. 576-581.
43. Proenca, B. and V.C. Maia, New state record of gall midge species (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) associated with Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess (Calophyllaceae). Check List, 2015. 11(2): p. 1564-1564.
44. Productos Naturales, I.d.Q., Toxicogenomics on mice liver of coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense. European Nucleotide Archive, 2015.
45. Maldonado-Magana, A., et al., In vitro regeneration of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess: a valuable medicinal tree. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2015. 14(40): p. 2831-2835.
46. Lordani, T.V.A., et al., Effect of a topical formulation containing Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. extract on cutaneous wound healing in rats. Natural Product Research, 2015. 29(10): p. 953-957.
48. Gomez-Verjan, J.C. and R. Reyes-Chilpa, GSE72755: Toxicogenomics on mice liver of coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense. Gene Expression Omnibus, 2015.
49. Gomez-Verjan, J.C. and R. Reyes-Chilpa, Toxicogenomics on mice liver of coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense. ArrayExpress Archive, 2015.
50. Gomez-Verjan, J.C., et al., Toxicogenomic analysis of pharmacological active coumarins isolated from Calophyllum brasiliense. Genomics Data, 2015. 6: p. 258-+.
51. Gomez-Verjan, J., et al., Trends in the chemical and pharmacological research on the tropical trees Calophyllum brasiliense and Calophyllum inophyllum, a global context. Scientometrics, 2015. 105(2): p. 1019-1030.
52. Ciriello, E. and E.S. Mori, ROOTING OF GUANANDI (Calophyllum brasiliense CAMBESS) CUTTINGS USING INDOLE-BUTYRIC ACID. Cerne, 2015. 21(4): p. 641-647.
53. Bernabe-Antonio, A., et al., Fatty acid profile of intact plants of two different sites and callus cultures derived from seed and leaf explants of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess: A new resource of non-edible oil. Industrial Crops and Products, 2015. 77: p. 1014-1019.
54. Araldi, R., et al., CHLOROPHYLL FLUORESCENCE IN GUANANDI TREE (Calophyllum brasiliense) AFTER HERBICIDE APPLICATION. Planta Daninha, 2015. 33(1): p. 77-82.
55. Thomazini, M.J. and E.F. Bezerra Lima, Occurrence and damages of Danothrips trifasciatus (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) on Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) in Brazil. Revista Brasileira De Entomologia, 2014. 58(3): p. 302-304.
56. Resende, M.P., et al., Phosphate solubilization and phytohormone production by endophytic and rhizosphere Trichoderma isolates of guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess). African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2014. 8(27): p. 2616-2623.
57. Percuoco, C.B., et al., Assessment of genetic differentiation among relict populations of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Calophyllaceae) from northeast Argentina. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), 2014. 5(6): p. 87-98.
58. Oliveira, M.C., et al., Evaluation of toxicity of Calophyllum brasiliense stem bark extract by in vivo and in vitro assays. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2014. 155(1): p. 30-38.
59. Mendonca, E.G., et al., Using random amplified polymorphic DNA to assess genetic diversity and structure of natural Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) populations in riparian forests. International Journal of Forestry Research, 2014. 2014: p. 305286-Article ID 305286.
60. Mendes de Jesus, V.A., et al., Effect of seed coat on the seed germination and seedling development of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Clusiaceae). Acta Scientiarum Biological Sciences, 2014. 36(4): p. 451-456.
61. Mendes de Jesus, V.A., et al., Morphology and anatomy of the seedling and the tirodendro of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (Clusiaceae). Acta Scientiarum Biological Sciences, 2014. 36(4): p. 443-449.
62. Kimura, S., Possibility of the natural product extracted from Calophyllum Brasiliense. Nihon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine, 2014. 72(7): p. 1331-41.
63. Gomez-Verjan, J.C., et al., Molecular mechanisms involved in the cytotoxicity induced by coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense in K562 leukaemia cells. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2014. 66(8): p. 1189-1195.
64. GarcÍA-ZebadÚA, J.C., et al., EL ÁRBOL TROPICAL Calophyllum brasiliense: UNA REVISIÓN BOTÁNICA, QUÍMICA Y FARMACOLÓGICA. Vitae, 2014. 21(2): p. 126-145.
65. Brenzan, M., et al., Antheishmanial activity of microparticles containing extract from Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess leaves obtained by spray-drying technique. Planta Medica, 2014. 80(16): p. 1465-1465.
66. Brenzan, M., et al., Antileishmanial activity of extracts from Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess leaves obtained by conventional and supercritical extraction. Planta Medica, 2014. 80(16): p. 1530-1530.
67. Blanco, E. and J. Alfaro, CHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. AND Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. WOOD. Colombia Forestal, 2014. 17(1): p. 125-132.
68. Bernabe-Antonio, A., L.P. Alvarez-Berber, and F. Cruz-Sosa, Biological importance of phytochemicals from Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 2014. 4(10): p. 1502-1517.
69. Agostinho Pires, C.T., et al., Anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity and cytotoxicity of Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess (Clusiaceae). Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2014. 109(3): p. 324-329.
70. Schuhli, G.S., et al., Genetic selection of Calophyllum brasiliense for seed orchards. Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity, 2013. 4(4): p. 371-377.
71. Rea, A., et al., Soulamarin Isolated from Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) Induces Plasma Membrane Permeabilization of Trypanosoma cruzi and Mytochondrial Dysfunction. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2013. 7(12).
72. Lago, J.H., et al., Soulamarin isolated from Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) induces plasma membrane permeabilization of Trypanosoma cruzi and mytochondrial damage. Planta Medica, 2013. 79(13): p. 1133-1133.
73. Goncalves, R.M., et al., Comparing Conventional and Supercritical Extraction of (-)-Mammea A/BB and the Antioxidant Activity of Calophyllum brasiliense Extracts. Molecules, 2013. 18(6): p. 6215-6229.
74. Carvalho, H.d.O., et al., Study of dissolution profiles and desintegration of capsules containing the dried hydroethanolic extract of Calophyllum brasiliense. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2013. 23(1): p. 194-199.
75. Carvalho, H.d.O., et al., Study of dissolution profiles and desintegration of capsules containing the dried hydroethanolic extract of Calophyllum brasiliense. Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2013. 23(1): p. 194-199.
76. Blanco-Ayala, T., et al., Antioxidant properties of xanthones from Calophyllum brasiliense: prevention of oxidative damage induced by FeSO4. Bmc Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013. 13.
77. Blanco-Ayala, T., et al., Antioxidant properties of xanthones from Calophyllum brasiliense: prevention of oxidative damage induced by FeSO4. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013. 13(262): p. (11 October 2013)-(11 October 2013).
78. Sierra-Escobar, J.A., D. Castro-Restrepo, and W. Osorio-Vega, MYCORRHIZAL DEPENDENCE OF BARCINO (CLUSIACEAE: CALOPHYLLUM BRASILIENSE CAMBERS). Actualidades Biologicas (Medellin), 2012. 34(97): p. 199-206.
79. Patreze, C.M., et al., Isolating of a putative glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) from Calophyllum brasiliense, an important tropical forest tree. Silvae Genetica, 2012. 61(1-2): p. 44-51.
80. Lisboa, A.C., et al., EFFECT OF VOLUME OF TUBES ON THE PRODUCTION OF SEEDLINGS OF Calophyllum brasiliense AND Toona ciliata. Revista Arvore, 2012. 36(4): p. 603-609.
81. Brenzan, M.A., et al., Effects of (-) mammea A/BB isolated from Calophyllum brasiliense leaves and derivatives on mitochondrial membrane of Leishmania amazonensis. Phytomedicine, 2012. 19(3-4): p. 223-230.
82. Pires, C.T., et al., Activity of (-) mammea A/BB from the Leaves of Calophyllum brasiliense on Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Planta Medica, 2011. 77(12): p. 1415-1415.
83. Morais, W.C.d.C., M.E.P.d. Souza, and N.d. Anjos, New ambrosia beetle on guanandi tree (Calophyllum brasiliense Cambessedes). Comunicata Scientiae, 2011. 2(1): p. 49-52.
84. Maciel, C.A.C., et al., Phosphorus on initial growth of Guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense). Ecossistema, 2011. 36/37(1/2): p. 63-67.
85. Julio Cesar, G.-Z., et al., Inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, toxicological and chemical profile of Calophyllum brasiliense extracts from Chiapas, Mexico. Fitoterapia, 2011. 82(7): p. 1027-1034.
86. Goncalves, R.M., et al., Antifungal activity of supercritical fluid extract obtained from Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. Planta Medica, 2011. 77(12): p. 1420-1420.
87. Garcia-Zebadua, J.C., et al., Inhibition of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, toxicological and chemical profile of Calophyllum brasiliense extracts from Chiapas, Mexico. Fitoterapia, 2011. 82(7): p. 1027-1034.
88. Silva, R.L.d., et al., Guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense) clonal propagation through minicuttings. Agronomia Costarricense, 2010. 34(1): p. 99-104.
90. Honda, P.A., et al., Efficacy of components from leaves of Calophyllum brasiliense against Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. Phytomedicine, 2010. 17(5): p. 333-338.
91. Honda, P., et al., Efficacy of components from leaves of Calophyllum brasiliense against Leishmania amazonensis. Planta Medica, 2010. 76(12): p. 1309-1309.
92. de Oliveira, V.C. and C.A. Joly, Flooding tolerance of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae): morphological, physiological and growth responses. Trees-Structure and Function, 2010. 24(1): p. 185-193.
93. Brenzan, M.A., et al., QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF (-) MAMMEA A/BB COUMARIN IN EXTRACTS OF CALOPHYLLUM BRASILIENSE CAMBESS (CLUSIACEAE) BY HPLC. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2010. 33(2): p. 283-295.
94. Bernabe-Antonio, A., et al., Production of anti-HIV-1 calanolides in a callus culture of Calophyllum brasiliense (Cambes). Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2010. 103(1): p. 33-40.
95. Souza, M.d.C., et al., In vitro and in vivo anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2009. 123(3): p. 452-458.
96. Souza, M.d.C., et al., In vitro and in vivo anti-Helicobacter pylori activity of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2009. 123(3): p. 452-458.
97. Rodriguez, M.E., et al., Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae): a new record for the Argentinean flora. Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica, 2009. 44(3-4): p. 361-366.
98. Reis, C.A.F., et al., Genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae) in a swampy forest. Revista Arvore, 2009. 33(2): p. 265-275.
100. Fioravante Reis, C.A., et al., GENETIC DIVERSITY AND SPATIAL GENETIC STRUCTURE OF Calophyllum brasiliense CAMB. (CLUSIACEAE) IN A SWAMPY FOREST. Revista Arvore, 2009. 33(2): p. 265-275.
101. Caneppele, D., et al., Unequivocal NMR assignments: O-methoxy-methyl esters derivatives of acid chromanones from Calophyllum brasiliense CAMB. (Guanandi). Natural Product Research, 2008. 22(10): p. 846-853.
102. Brenzan, M.A., et al., Activity of extracts and coumarins from the leaves of Calophyllum brasiliense on Leishmania braziliensis. Pharmaceutical Biology, 2008. 46(6): p. 380-386.
103. Brenzan, M.A., et al., Activity of coumarin extracts from leaves of Calophyllum brasiliense on Leishmania braziliensis. Planta Medica, 2008. 74(9): p. 984-984.
104. Souza, A.M.d., et al., Genetic and spatial structure of natural populations of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. in gallery forest. Cerne, 2007. 13(3): p. 239-247.
105. Ruiz-Marcial, C., et al., Anti proliferative, cytotoxic and antitumour activity of coumarins isolated from Calophyllum brasiliense. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2007. 59(5): p. 719-725.
106. Nery, F.C., et al., Effect of temperature and coat in the germination of Calophyllum brasiliense seeds. Ciencia E Agrotecnologia, 2007. 31(6): p. 1872-1877.
107. Marques, M.I., et al., Composition of the arthropod community associated with the canopy of Calophyllum brasiliense (Guttiferae), in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Amazoniana-Limnologia Et Oecologia Regionalis Systemae Fluminis Amazonas, 2007. 19(3-4): p. 131-148.
108. de Souza, A.M., et al., Genetic and spatial structure of natural populations of Calophyllum brasiliense camb. in gallery forest. Cerne, 2007. 13(3): p. 239-247.
109. Brenzan, M.A., et al., Antileishmanial activity of crude extract and coumarin from Calophyllum brasiliense leaves against Leishmania amazonensis. Parasitology Research, 2007. 101(3): p. 715-722.
110. Ito, C., et al., Apoptosis inducing activity of 4-substituted coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense in human leukaemia HL-60 cells. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2006. 58(7): p. 975-980.
111. Botrel, M.C.G., et al., Genetic characterization of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. in two populations of riparian forest. Revista Arvore, 2006. 30(5): p. 821-827.
112. Vasquez, W., K.A. Thomsen, and D. Joker, Desiccation and storage of seeds of Astronium graveolens and Calophyllum brasiliense, two native species of Costa Rica. Comparative storage biology of tropical tree seeds, ed. M. Sacande, et al. 2005. 285-294.
113. Mello, M.A.R., et al., Size-based fruit selection of Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) by bats of the genus Artibeus (Phyllostomidae) in a Restinga area, southeastern Brazil. Acta Chiropterologica, 2005. 7(1): p. 179-182.
114. Kimura, S., et al., Inhibition of leukemic cell growth by a novel anti-cancer drug (GUT-70) from Calophyllum brasiliense that acts by induction of apoptosis. International Journal of Cancer, 2005. 113(1): p. 158-165.
115. Junior, A.G., et al., Anatomical study of leaves and stem of Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae), a contribution to the farmacognostic study of vegetal drug. Acta Farmaceutica Bonaerense, 2005. 24(3): p. 371-376.
116. Gasparotto, A., et al., Phytochemical study and evaluation of the molluscicidal activity of Calophyllum brasiliense CAMB (Clusiaceae). Quimica Nova, 2005. 28(4): p. 575-578.
117. Reyes-Chilpa, R., et al., Cytotoxic effects of mammea type coumarins from Calophyllum brasiliense. Life Sciences, 2004. 75(13): p. 1635-1647.
118. Pretto, J.B., et al., Antimicrobial activity of fractions and compounds from Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae/Guttiferae). Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences, 2004. 59(9-10): p. 657-662.
119. Isaias, D.E.B., et al., Pharmacological and phytochemical investigations of different parts of Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae). Pharmazie, 2004. 59(11): p. 879-881.
120. Huerta-Reyes, M., et al., HIV-1 inhibitory compounds from Calophyllum brasiliense leaves. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2004. 27(9): p. 1471-1475.
121. Cottiglia, F., et al., New chromanone acids with antibacterial activity from Calophyllum brasiliense. Journal of Natural Products, 2004. 67(4): p. 537-541.
122. Abe, F., et al., Trypanocidal constituents in plants 3. Leaves of Garcinia intermedia and heartwood of Calophyllum brasiliense. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2004. 27(1): p. 141-143.
123. Madeira, J.A., V.C. Maia, and R.F. Monteiro, Gall makers (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) on Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae): Descriptions and biology. Arquivos do Museu Nacional Rio de Janeiro, 2003. 61(1): p. 31-48.
124. King, R.T., Succession and micro-elevation effects on seedling establishment of Calophyllum brasiliense camb. (Clusiaceae) in an Amazonian river Meander forest. Biotropica, 2003. 35(4): p. 462-471.
125. Kimura, S., et al., Inhibition of leukemic cell growth by a novel anti-cancer drug (GUT-70) from Calophyllum brasiliense that acts by induction of apoptosis via extrinsic pathway. Blood, 2003. 102(11): p. 208B-208B.
126. Ito, C., et al., Chemical constituents of Calophyllum brasiliense. 2. Structure of three new coumarins and cancer chemopreventive activity of 4-substituted coumarins. Journal of Natural Products, 2003. 66(3): p. 368-371.
127. Ito, C., et al., Chemical constituents of Calophyllum brasiliensis: Structure elucidation of seven new xanthones and their cancer chemopreventive activity. Journal of Natural Products, 2002. 65(3): p. 267-272.
128. Kawaguici, C.B. and P.Y. Kageyama, Genetic diversity of three groups of individuals (adults, young and seedlings) of Calophyllum brasiliense in a population of gallery forest. Scientia Forestalis, 2001(59): p. 131-143.
129. Fischer, E. and F.A.M. Dos Santos, Demography, phenology and sex of Calophyllum brasiliense (Clusiaceae) trees in the Atlantic forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2001. 17: p. 903-909.
130. da Silva, K.L., et al., Chemical composition and analgesic activity of Calophyllum brosiliense leaves. Therapie, 2001. 56(4): p. 431-434.
131. Marques, M.C.M. and C.A. Joly, Population structure and dynamics of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. in a swamp forest in Southeastern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Botanica, 2000. 23(1): p. 107-112.
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