Family: Rutaceae
English: Bael
Burmese: ou' shi'/ or /oʊʔ ʃiʔ/
Khmer: ព្នៅ /pnɨv/
Lao: ໝາກຕູມ /mȁːk tuːm/

Thai: มะตูม /matuum/ (tree: ต้นมะตูม /ton matuum/; fruit ลูกมะตูม luug matuum)
Hindi: बेल (Sirphal)
Urdu: (Bael)بیل ,(Sirphal) سری پھل
Oriya: ବେଲ
Bengali: বেল
Kannada: ಬೇಲದ ಹಣ್ಣು
Konkani: gorakamli
Malayalam: കൂവളം
Marathi: बेल or कवीठ (Kaveeth)
Punjabi: Beel
Sanskrit : बिल्वम्, Bilva / Bilvam
Sindhi: ڪاٺ گدرو
Sinhalese: බෙලි (Beli)
Tamil: வில்வம் (Vilvam)
Telugu: మారేడు (maredu)
Chinese: Yin du gou qi
Aegle (French)
Persian: Bael tree, Bah hindi shull
Vietnamese: Bau nau
Spanish: Bela
Nepalese: Belapatra
German: Belbaum Belfruit tree, Bengalische Quitte
French: Bel indien, Cognassier du Bengal, Coing de l’Inde
Hungarian: Bengálibirs
Malay:Bila, Bilak
Khmer: Bnau
Italian: Cotogno del Bengala, Cotogno d’India
Turkish: Hind ayva agh
Uses / Activity: Ameliorative effect, Analgesic activity, Antidiarrhoeal activity, Antigenotoxic Activity, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial , Antiproliferative, antithyroid, Anxiolytic and antidepressant, Chemomodulatory Effects, contraceptive efficacy, Detoxifying effect, Fertility, hepatoprotective, hyperlipidemic, Hypoglycemic, Immunomodulatory, Intraocular Pressure-Lowering Activity, Larvicidal and smoke repellency effect, Reversible Changes in the Antifertility, Skin Carcinogenesis, sperm motility, Urease Inhibitor.
List of 262 published scholarly articles.