Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq.
Family: Malvaceae
Synonyms: Bartramia angulata Lam., Bartramia crispifolia Stokes, Bartramia glandulosa Lam., Bartramia indica L., Bartramia lappago Gaertn., Bartramia rhombifolia Stokes, Triumfetta angulata Lam., Triumfetta glandulosa Lam., Triumfetta indica Lam., Triumfetta mauritiana C.Presl, Triumfetta mollis Schumach., Triumfetta riparia Hochst., Triumfetta trilocularis Roxb., Triumfetta vahlii Poir., Triumfetta velutina Vahl
- Common name: Burr Bush, Chinese Burr, Diamond Burrbark,
- Assamese: Agra
- Bengali: Bon okhra
- Chinese: 刺蒴麻
- Hindi: Chiriyari, Chiki, chikti
- Kannada: Kadu bende
- Malayalam: ഊർപ്പം Oorpam, Ottukayal
- Marathi: थिनझिरा Thinjhira
- Sanskrit: Jhinjhireetaa, Gippit, jhinjharita
- Tamil: Ottu Pullu, Ottarai
- Telugu: బంక తుత్తర Bankathuthara, కుసంగ kusanga, కుసంగి kusangi, పులి అడుగు puli adugu
Uses: Triumfetta rhomboidea is used by Hill-Tribes to treat stomachache, indigestion, and to treat fever during menstruation. [A Thai Herbal: Traditional Recipes for Health and Harmony]
Used in Ayurveda and Sidha. Bark a source of mucilage. Leaves, flowers and fruits mucilaginous. Roots for impotency and barrenness; root decoction drunk for dysentery and the treatment of cough; paste applied to treat pimples, intestinal worms. Bark and fresh leaves given for diarrhea and dysentery. Leaves astringent, a decoction taken in cough and as blood purifier. Leaves and flowers crushed with some water applied upon itching wounds; leaves of Triumfetta rhomboidea mashed with rhizome of Zingiber officinale, lemon juice and coconut oil, fried, and taken as bechic. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
angina, pneumonia, anti-inflammatory, headache, snakebites, pregnancy/birth/ puerperium disorders, diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea, hypertension. [Handbook of African Medicinal Plants, Second Edition]
Leaves and bark—astringent, anticholerin, demulcent. Used in diarrhoea and dysentery. Root—styptic, diuretic, galactogenic. Hot infusion facilitates childbirth and hastens parturition. Pounded roots are given for the treatment of ulcers. Leaves and flowers—used against leprosy. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Used in Ayurveda and Sidha. Bark a source of mucilage. Leaves, flowers and fruits mucilaginous. Roots for impotency and barrenness; root decoction drunk for dysentery and the treatment of cough; paste applied to treat pimples, intestinal worms. Bark and fresh leaves given for diarrhea and dysentery. Leaves astringent, a decoction taken in cough and as blood purifier. Leaves and flowers crushed with some water applied upon itching wounds; leaves of Triumfetta rhomboidea mashed with rhizome of Zingiber officinale, lemon juice and coconut oil, fried, and taken as bechic. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
angina, pneumonia, anti-inflammatory, headache, snakebites, pregnancy/birth/ puerperium disorders, diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea, hypertension. [Handbook of African Medicinal Plants, Second Edition]
Leaves and bark—astringent, anticholerin, demulcent. Used in diarrhoea and dysentery. Root—styptic, diuretic, galactogenic. Hot infusion facilitates childbirth and hastens parturition. Pounded roots are given for the treatment of ulcers. Leaves and flowers—used against leprosy. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
25 Published articles of Triumfetta rhomboidea