Family: Myrtaceae
Synonyms: Campomanesia multiflora (Cambess.) O.Berg , Campomanesia tomentosa Kunth , Eugenia hauthalii (Kuntze) K.Schum. , Eugenia hauthalii (Kuntze) K. Sch. , Guajava albida (Cambess.) Kuntze , Guajava benthamiana (O.Berg) Kuntze , Guajava costa-ricensis (O.Berg) Kuntze , Guajava guineensis (Sw.) Kuntze , Guajava laurifolia (O.Berg) Kuntze , Guajava mollis (Bertol.) Kuntze , Guajava multiflora (Cambess.) Kuntze , Guajava ooidea (O.Berg) Kuntze , Guajava polycarpa (Lamb.) Kuntze , Guajava schiedeana (O.Berg) Kuntze , Guajava ypanemense (O. Berg) Kuntze , Guajava ypanemensis (O.Berg) Kuntze , Mosiera guineensis (Sw.) Bisse , Myrtus guineensis (Sw.) Kuntze , Myrtus hauthalii Kuntze , Psidium albidum Cambess. , Psidium araca Raddi , Psidium araca var. sampaionis Herter , Psidium benthamianum O.Berg , Psidium campicolum Barb.Rodr. , Psidium chrysobalanoides Standl. , Psidium costa-ricense O.Berg , Psidium dichotomum Weinm. , Psidium jollyanum A.Chev. , Psidium laurifolium O.Berg , Psidium lehmannii Diels , Psidium minus Mart. ex DC. [Invalid] , Psidium molle Bertol. , Psidium molle var. gracile O.Berg , Psidium molle var. robustum O.Berg , Psidium monticola O.Berg , Psidium monticola var. gracile O.Berg , Psidium monticola var. robustum O.Berg , Psidium multiflorum Cambess. , Psidium ooideum O.Berg , Psidium ooideum var. grandifolium O.Berg , Psidium ooideum var. intermedium O.Berg , Psidium ooideum var. longipedunculatum Rusby , Psidium ooideum var. parvifolium O.Berg , Psidium polycarpon Lamb. , Psidium popenoei Standl. , Psidium rotundifolium Standl. , Psidium rufinervum Barb.Rodr. , Psidium schiedeanum O.Berg , Psidium schippii Standl. , Psidium sericiflorum Benth. , Psidium ypanemense O.Berg,
Chinese name: 蒙自草胡椒
English Names : Brazilian Guava, Castilian Guava, Guinea Guava, Güisara Guava, Guisaro Sour Guava, Wild Guava
Description: Shrubs to small trees, branchlets terete, pubescent. Leaves subopposite or opposite, subcoriaceous, 8-10 cm, broadly elliptic-oblong, pellucid dotted, entire, pubescent beneath; lateral nerves 8-10 pairs, looping; petiole 1-1.5 cm long. Flowers slightly fragrant. Calyx tube adnate to the ovary, imperfectly 5- lobed, green, pubescent without. Petals 5, caducous, white, spathulate, 1.5 x 1 cm. Stamens c. 200, white; filaments 1-1.2 cm long; anthers oblong, 0.1- 0.5 cm long, introrse, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary many- celled, ovules many in each locule; style 1.3 cm long, white, stigma capitate. Berry globose, 2-3 cm diameter, pubescent, yellow when ripe; seeds many, embedded in the creamy-yellow flesh.
Published articles of Psidium guineense Swartz.Description: Shrubs to small trees, branchlets terete, pubescent. Leaves subopposite or opposite, subcoriaceous, 8-10 cm, broadly elliptic-oblong, pellucid dotted, entire, pubescent beneath; lateral nerves 8-10 pairs, looping; petiole 1-1.5 cm long. Flowers slightly fragrant. Calyx tube adnate to the ovary, imperfectly 5- lobed, green, pubescent without. Petals 5, caducous, white, spathulate, 1.5 x 1 cm. Stamens c. 200, white; filaments 1-1.2 cm long; anthers oblong, 0.1- 0.5 cm long, introrse, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary many- celled, ovules many in each locule; style 1.3 cm long, white, stigma capitate. Berry globose, 2-3 cm diameter, pubescent, yellow when ripe; seeds many, embedded in the creamy-yellow flesh.
Hot aqueous extract of P. guineense fruit perciarp had in-vitro inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Aspergillus niger. Ethanol extracts from the peel and pulp of P. guineense and its various factions exhibited antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans strains. The antimicrobial activity of the P. guineense species may be attributed to secondary metabolites, taninns, fl avonoids, terpenes and aldehydes present in the fruit. Psidium guineense is used in treating diarrhoeas in Argentinean traditional medicine. In the interior of Brazil, a decoction of the bark or roots is employed to treat urinary diseases, diarrhoea and dysentery and is considered to be diuretic. In Costa Rica, the decoction is said to reduce varicose veins and ulcers on the legs. A leaf decoction is taken to relieve colds and bronchitis. [ Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants - Vol-3]
Fresh leaf essential oil: antiinflammatory and antibacterial activity. Fruit: free radical scavenging effect. Leaf essential oil. (Z)-nerolidol,
caryophyllene, β-selinene [ Medicinal flora of Argentina ]
USES: Bark: Bark is boiled, and the water drunk as an anti-diarrheal by the Guyana Patamona. Leaf: Leaves are boiled, and the water drunk as a treatment for coughing or as an anti-diarrheal, by the Guyana Patamona. Fruit: Juice of the young fruit is squeezed and used as an anti-dysenteric or for “bad-belly”, by the Guyana Patamona. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana) ]
27 Published articles of Psidium guineense