Family: Bignoniaceae
Synonyms: Bignonia longissima Lour. , Bignonia spathacea L.f., Dolichandrone longissima (Lour.) K.Schum., Dolichandrone rheedei (Spreng.) Seem., Pongelia longiflora Raf. , Spathodea diepenhorstii Miq., Spathodea grandiflora Zipp. ex Span., Spathodea longiflora P.Beauv., Spathodea loureiroana DC., Spathodea luzonica Blanco, Spathodea rheedei Spreng., Spathodea rostrata Span.
Common name: Mangrove Trumpet Tree
Kannada: arkuvoddi
Malayalam: neerpongiliyam, nirpongilium
Malaya: joran, kulok, tui, tuai
Marathi: Samudrashingi
Philippines: pata, tangas, tanghas, tivi, tiwi, tue, tui, tuwi
Tamil: attukkompoti, attukkompotiyai, kanbillai, kanpilaicceti
Sinhala: දිය දග
Thai: แคทะเล
Bangla: গড়শিঙ্গা
Vietnamese: Quao nước
Uses: Used in Sidha. Powdered seeds for mental illness, hysteria, madness, nervous complaints. Cooked leaves applied for swellings and inflammation.
In Indonesia, the leaves of Dolichandrone spathacea are used to treat thrush. In the Philippines, Dolichandrone spathacea
is used to treat nervous diseases and flatulence. The pharmacological potentials of this interesting plant remain unexplored. [Medicinal Plants: Drugs For The Future? ]
6 Published articles of Dolichandrone spathacea