Family: Acanthaceae
English: Common Yellow Nail Dye Plant.
Assami: Shinti

Gujarati: પીળો કાંટા શેરિયો pilo kanta sheriyo
Hindi: झिण्टी jhinti, परुष parush, पीला पियाबांसा pila piyabansa, पीली कटसरैया pili katsaraiya, वज्रदंती vajradanti
Kannada: ಮುಳ್ಳುಗೋರಣ್ಟ mullugoranta
Konkani: कोरांटी koranti
Malayalam: കരിമകുറുഞ്ഞി karimkurunni, കുറുഞ്ഞി, Kuttivetila,
Marathi: कोळिता kolita, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti
Oriya: daskaranta
Punjabi: Sahacar
Sanskrit: kuranta, वज्रदंती vajradanthi
Tamil: செம்முள்ளி cem-mulli, கோரண்டம் korantam, கொடிப்பசலை koti-p-pacalai, கொவிந்தம் kovintam, குறிஞ்சி kurinci, குடான் kutan, மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli
Telugu: ముల్లుగోరింట Mullu gorinta
Tulu: ಗೋರಣ್ಟೆ gorante
Urdu: Pila Bansa, Piya Bansa
Folklore use: During gout, whole plant paste is applied externally as an ointment. To increase sexual vigour, seed extract is administered daily once for a fortnight. For curing mouth ulcers, leaves are chewed and sap is swallowed; for oedema, seed paste is taken daily once until it is cured while during toothache, leaf paste is applied over the affected area. [Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol. 9 (1), January 2010, pp. 184-190]
Ayurvedic uses: Kushtha, Kandu, Vatarakta, Palit Sahachara, Baana, Kurantaka, Kuranta, Koranda, Korandaka, Shairiya, Pita-saireyaka.
Leaf—juicegiven instomach disorders, urinary affections; mixed with honey and given to children with fever and catarrh; leaf juice is applied to lacerated soles of feet in the rainy season, mixed with coconut oil for pimples. Leaves and flowering tops—diuretic. Bark—diaphoretic and expectorant. Roots—paste is applied over boils and glandular swellings. Plant (Vajradanti)—antidontalgic, used for bleeding gums in Indian medicine. Ash, obtained from the whole plant, mixed with honey, is given in bronchial asthma.
Piles, melena, as a diuretic agent, oedema, as antiseptic in piles and fistula - in - ano and to increase spermatogenesis. [Medicine Plants of Mynmar]
Siddha Uses: Aiya noy, Curatotam, Kuttam, Mantakanam, Tinavu [Siddha Pharmacopoeia]
Ayurvedic uses: Kushtha, Kandu, Vatarakta, Palit Sahachara, Baana, Kurantaka, Kuranta, Koranda, Korandaka, Shairiya, Pita-saireyaka.
Leaf—juicegiven instomach disorders, urinary affections; mixed with honey and given to children with fever and catarrh; leaf juice is applied to lacerated soles of feet in the rainy season, mixed with coconut oil for pimples. Leaves and flowering tops—diuretic. Bark—diaphoretic and expectorant. Roots—paste is applied over boils and glandular swellings. Plant (Vajradanti)—antidontalgic, used for bleeding gums in Indian medicine. Ash, obtained from the whole plant, mixed with honey, is given in bronchial asthma.
Piles, melena, as a diuretic agent, oedema, as antiseptic in piles and fistula - in - ano and to increase spermatogenesis. [Medicine Plants of Mynmar]
Siddha Uses: Aiya noy, Curatotam, Kuttam, Mantakanam, Tinavu [Siddha Pharmacopoeia]
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