Family: Apocynaceae
Synonyms: Roupellina boivinii (Baill.) Pichon, Roupellina boivinii var. angustifolia (H.Perrier ex Pichon) Pichon, Roupellina boivinii var. boivinii, Roupellina boivinii var. grandiflora (Pichon) Pichon, Strophanthus arboreus Boivin ex Franch., Strophanthus aurantiacus Blondel, Strophanthus boivinii var. angustifolius H.Perrier ex Pichon, Strophanthus boivinii var. grandiflorus Pichon, Strophanthus grevei Baill.
English: Corkscrew Flower; Wood shaving flower
French: Strophanthus de Boivin
Small deciduous tree; latex yellowish. Leaves simple, opposite; lamina elliptic, cuneate at base, margin entire. Flowers in cymes, usually arise in the forks of branches ; flowers yellow-orange turning reddish brown; Corolla tube short, lobes 5, 3-4 cm long and 0.5 cm wide, oblong and twisted. Stamens 10, attached to the throat of corolla tube. Fruit not observed.
Exotic ; it is found as cultivated plant
All parts toxic when ingested. Bark decoction drunk to treat colic, also rubbed for wounds and itch. Aerial parts deoction to treat gonorrhoea and fever. Used to poison dogs and pest animals.
5 Published articles of Strophanthus Boivinii