Family: Malvaceae
Synonyms: Kydia fraterna Roxb., Kydia roxburghiana Wight
- Common name: Kydia
- Assamese: পিছোলা Pichhola, কুকুহা Kukuha
- Bengali: পোলা Pola
- Chinese: 桤的木
- Gujarati: મોટી હીરવણી Motihirwani
- Hindi: bharanga, bhoti, illya, potari, pula, पुलिया pulia
- Kannada: ಬೆಮ್ದೆ bende, benda, bendi
- Konkani: वारंग warang
- Malayalam: കാട്ടാവണക്ക് വെളളടച്ച, kaattaavanakk velalatacci, വീമ്പ് viimp, vellachadachi, velukku
- Manipuri: খাবী Khabi
- Marathi: रान भेंडी ranbhendi, वरंग warang
- Oriya: Bankopasia
- Sikkimese: Kubinde
- Tamil: Bendi, பூலா pula, vattakannu, vendai
- Telugu: bolka, eruku tada, konda-podari, konda patti, pacha botuku, పోతరి potari
- Urdu: Kapasia
Description: Trees 10-20 m tall. Branchlets terete, densely brownish stellate pubescent. Petiole 2-4 cm, stellate pilose; leaf blade nearly round, usually palmately 3-5-lobed, 6-14 × 5-11 cm, abaxially densely gray stellate woolly, adaxially stellate pilose, palmate veins 5-7, base rounded or nearly cordate, margin sparsely denticulate, apex acute or obtuse. Inflorescences densely gray stellate puberulent. Flowers ca. 1.6 cm in diam. Epicalyx lobes 4(or 6), oblong, ca. 4 mm. Calyx shallowly cup-shaped, connate for 1/2 length, lobes 5, triangular, nearly as long as epicalyx. Petals reddish, obcordate, apex glandularly fimbriate. Capsule globose, ca. 5 mm in diam., persistent epicalyx lobes obovate-oblong, 1-1.5 × 0.5-0.9 cm, stellate tomentose. Seeds reniform, glandularly veined, glabrous. Fl. Sep-Nov.
Leaves for skin diseases, abscess, wounds, cuts, boils, leaf paste applied to the body to get relief from pain; leaves chewed to overcome the deficiency of saliva and for stomatitis; leaf decoction eaten for reducing the temperature of the body. Root febrifuge, and for rheumatism. Veterinary medicine, stem bark decoction given to cattle for dyspepsia. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Plant—mucilaginous, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge. Leaf and root—anti-rheumatic. The leaves stimulate saliva. A paste of leaves is applied in body pains, used in poultices for skin diseases. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Leaves for skin diseases, abscess, wounds, cuts, boils, leaf paste applied to the body to get relief from pain; leaves chewed to overcome the deficiency of saliva and for stomatitis; leaf decoction eaten for reducing the temperature of the body. Root febrifuge, and for rheumatism. Veterinary medicine, stem bark decoction given to cattle for dyspepsia. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Plant—mucilaginous, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge. Leaf and root—anti-rheumatic. The leaves stimulate saliva. A paste of leaves is applied in body pains, used in poultices for skin diseases. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
10 Published articles of Kydia calycina